💙Ethan Torchio~To Tell You I Love You💙

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Imagine: Y/N and Ethan have always liked each other but its only until something terrifying happens that they both admit it

Triggers: blood mentions of death etc

{y/ns pov}

Why cant he see that im head over heels for him? Im admitting it im in love with ethan torchio! but how could i tell him that?

Weve been friends for years but i dont want to risk loosing what we have together

these thoughts ran through my head a mile a minute as i walked down the street i was meeting up with Ethan, Vic, Damiano and Thomas for a while before i helped them write their new songs,i helped Damiano a lot with singing and song writing, the group as a whole were always really gratefull for my help.

As i walked past an allyway i saw a woman run out and scream

"Hes got a knife!"as she ran past me

before i could question it a man ran up to me and stabbed me in the abdomin and ran off back down the alleyway, out of sight.

I limpted to a street corner holding my stomach that was covered by my blood stained t shirt.

I took shaky breaths with every step i took until i grabbed a street light and looked around the corner to see the group waiting for me.

"Help!" I weakly cried.

"y/n?"They questioned

"Y/N!!" Ethan screamed as he ran towards me as the others followed behind him.

Id never seen ethan run so fast, he was there in a matter or seconds, the desperation on his face to help me made me fall in love with him even harder.

As he ran towards me i started to fall, before i hit the ground he caught me and held me close to him and laid my haid in his lap and he cleared my face of hair.

"Who did this to you, Amore?"Ethan weakly asked as the others got to us.

"i-i d-ont k-know"i said struggling with each word.

i looked up to see Vic calling an ambulance,she saw me looking at her as she smiled and said

"everythings going to be okay"

The coward who stabbed me ran past after probably being caught trying to stab someone else and Damiano ran in full pursuit after him with thomas following him.Victoria stayed with me and ethan as he ran his hands through my hair as tears rolled down his face.

i weakly wiped his face with my hand.

"I cant lose you y/n i-i cant"he stuttered out

He lay his head against mine as my breathing became shallower

"i love you"he whispered

"i love you too"i whispered back almost inaudibly.

The ambulance arrived and vic immdiately went to them and explained what happened as they grabbed the stuff theyd need.

"Over here! Help us Please!" Ethan begged as he saw them and they ran over and took my lifeless body and laid it on a stretcher and put me in the ambulance.

"C-can i go with her" Ethan said with tears in his eyes.

"of course"the paramedic replied

"ill go find damiano and thomas theyve probably killed the guy" vic said as ethan nodded and she started calling damiano.

{Ethans pov}

I sat in the ambulance as i watched them try to keep y/n alive.

i felt like i was going to be sick watching the girl i loved so dearly in such pain.

the life slipping away from her

The paramedics kept her alive until we got there. I looked down at my hands and clothes that were covered in her blood from where i held her close to me.

we finally got to the hospital and they took y/n out and into a room i was never more than 2 feet away from her i needed her.

They stabalised y/n but they put her in a medicaly indused coma.

I checked the clock every hour that passed felt like forever.

i heard my phone ringing it was vic

"hey ethan sta bene?" vic asked {A/N yall i used google translate dont hate me}

"l'hanno messa in coma" i replied looking at y/n laying on the bed lifeless.

after explaining everything to vic she said damiano broke the guys nose and thomas beat the living hell out of him,i felt relief to hear that but still if y/n never wakes up it wont matter.

The others showed up and we all sat in silence while the hours passed.

It was 12:02pm id been at the hospital for 8 hours, while the others went to the police to explain why damiano and thomas did what they did. However i stayed with y/n praying she wakes up.

Eventually the others showed up and we sat with y/n

"Ethan you should go get dressed"thomas said looking at my blood stained clothes

"no what if she wakes up and im not here what if she die-"i started but was cut off with damiano saying

"she is going to be fine ethan, y/ns a fighter"

"call me if anything happens"i enhanced the anything, they all nodded and i went home in vics car.

when i got home i bust out crying as i saw photos of us all around the house.

i stared at one photo specificaly it was of me and y/n she took the photo, in it i was smirking while she smiled with her bright perfect smile.

i hugged the photo and pretended she was hugging me back.

after i pulled myself together i got in the shower and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie as i was planning on staying the night at the hospital with y/n.

i heard my phone ring and sprinted towards it and saw it was vic.

"Hello? Vic?"i answered desperately.

"not exactly" i heard a reply and burst out into tears as i heard y/ns voice

"give me 5 minutes"i said as she replied with an ok

i ran to vics car and drove to the hospital and raced to her room to see her sat up and talking with the others.

i didnt care if the others were there i gave her the biggest hug but was weary of the wires attached to her

"i love you"i said

"i love you too"she replied

a chorus of "awww"s erupted from the others as we both smiled at each other

word count: 1157


Woah that was pretty deep for a first imagine right?

i like being dramatic what can i say?

But like any other of my books make sure if you want an imagine to either comment it or if you want it to be anonymous just message me

See you later loves

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