The Sleeping Boar, and Earrings..?

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a/n, Before we start this chapter, I just want to say that.. I only intend to make this book about.. 20-25 chapters, which is plenty but we have to get from arc to arc and I believe that the final battle arc will take about 10-15 chapters of this book if I can actually get through these arcs quickly but 1 arc for 2 chapters, all I can say is good luck to future me, this is all, bye!

- Inosuke POV -

I woke up, my head was aching.. probably from that kid who headbutted me but.. He was kinda cute.. WAIT NO! Why am I thinking this..?

I jumped up and screamed which surprised the blonde boy in front of me.  I ran and screamed "Fight Me! Fight Me!" At the blond boy.

I was too distracted chasing the blonde male to notice that my head was sleeping on HIS jacket, the one that headbutt me, the one that made me feel different, the one that I liked.. Not like.. Love, the one I love.

What's his name?? Is it Kentaro? No, It's Monjiro.. Wait, I got it! Kamaboko Gonpachiro!

"Tanjiro, Tanjiro!! Pull him off me!!" The boy was screaming and I was just yelling "Fight Me!" over and over to get the dude to fight me for protecting the demon that is important to Kamaboko or that Supposed "Tanjiro" the boy keeps saying.

"Shut up! Just fight me!" I yelled and the boy who ran towards the guy with the scar on his head. "TANJIRO HELP ME!!"

My head hurt from that massive headbutt I got earlier but those kids we saved and were starting to walk home before we got a message from Tanjiro's crow to go up the mountain north to Mount Natagumo.

I was enjoying the trip because we stopped by some nice old lady's house and she fed us, she took care of us while we were there. In all honesty, I liked the woman's kindness and I wish I can possibly repay it back to her someday.

- skip -

We arrived at the mountain and Zenitsu was to scared to go up it so I ran up the mountain with Gonpachiro following behind.

After a few minutes of running, we found some spider webs laced to the other demon slayers here. I decided to use my beast breathing to locate where the webs were coming from.

Beast Breathing, Seventh form: Spatial Awareness!

I ran in the direction that the breathing was telling me to go in and I saw a woman holding her hands out, controlling something when I saw the webs flowing from her finger tips and her hair flowing down from the rock she was sitting on, it hit me. She was puppeteer, the one controlling the corps, making them attack, making them and controlling them like straight out dolls..

I ran and charged at her with all force, I was outraged on what she was doing and Monjiro came out from the hiding place and helped me take down the demon.

Then we ran into the next dilemma, the brother, I'm guessing he's the one in charge of this all.

I chased him until we found the one the mother was scared of, the father. Kanjiro and I ran after him. We was a bit strong and his skin was as hard as a rock, I had no idea what I would lose because I was to focused on battle.

- Tanjiro POV -

Inosuke and I were battling the father until I saw something fly down to the ground, I got up and I got what fell from the hem of Inosuke's baggy ass pants. A pair of.. earrings? What type are they? They look like mine but I'm not sure. Inosuke Hashibira.. what type of person are you?

- End -

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