Chapter 1

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   Jakob entered his college room with two suitcases, one belonging to him, and one belonging to Andrew. They'd have rooms next to each other as they were friends since high school.

   A few minutes later, Andrew burst in the room. "Sorry, I got a but distracted." He apologized briefly."You always get a bit distracted." Jakob replied.Andrew shrugged. "Everyone does. I'm sure you don't mind.""Actually, I do. I've got a friend to meet and I didn't think I'd be long," Jakob smiled."Glad to hear it." Andrew grabbed his suitcases and headed to his own room.He poked his head back in, "Oh, and Jakob. Don't forget. The soccer ball is coming with me.""Thanks," Jakob laughed."Oh, and good luck." Andrew took off.

   Jakob took a moment to unpack, put some things in his desk and grab some clothes before heading out the door.Jakob went out to his car and pulled the soccer ball out of his trunk. He'd been saving it for some time.He hopped in and headed to a park in Alexandria, where his friend, Andrew, was. Jakob could tell he'd gone to the same high school he did by his fading number.He parked his car and went into the park. The park was still fairly empty since it was a weekday. Jakob walked up to a clearing near the middle of the park."Hey, Andrew!" he yelled."Jakob!" a familiar voice responded.He turned to see a friend he hadn't seen in a while. "Carlos!" he called back."Hey, sorry I'm late. Glad to see you made it," Carlos said as he walked toward him."You didn't go to your grandpas's place, did you?" Jakob asked.
Carlos shook his head. "Nope. He's too lazy to bother leaving the house. He's probably laying in bed, smoking.""Probably. He's been like that since I've known him.""Well, you know where I'll be," Carlos said and walked.
   "Who was that?" Asked Andrew who appeared out of nowhere."Just Carlos, my old friend." Smiled JakobHe looked at the time and groaned. It was nearly six already. The sun was starting to go down."Hey, are we going to play or what?" Andrew called out.
   Jakob quickly turned and picked it up from where it was lying. He gave the ball a little kick and began his run.He jogged in a circle and kicked the ball off a different branch of the tree a few times. After he'd done that a couple of times, he stepped back and looked up at the tree."Okay," he said. "Time for you to step it up."The ball went flying from his hand and he ran after it. He just couldn't kick it hard enough to reach it.He tripped over his own feet a couple of times and almost fell face first in the grass."Jakob, you alright?" Andrew called out from somewhere."Yeah, I'm fine." He grabbed a tree branch and pulled himself up. "Alright, let's get back to this!"He took off after the ball and hoped he was right.The ball came up again and he kicked it and ran after it.After a few rounds, he was able to get a firm hold of the ball and began to run after it.As he picked up speed, the game became faster and faster. He heard the call from his friend call out from a different place in the park."Jakob, come on! We're doing fine here!""And what do I get for this?" he shouted back."You get to see what a soccer game is like," Andrew shouted back. "You've never seen anything like it before!"Jakob went after the ball again and launched himself at the ball and kicked it as hard as he could.He heard Carlos yell in terror from another part of the park.
   Jakob suddenly felt like he could take on the world.He soared through the air.He landed and kicked the ball toward the goal. He heard a cheer from Andrew."Alright!" yelled Jakob.He raced over to where Andrew were standing and handed the ball to him."I knew you'd figure it out," Andrew said."Did you ever think that I could?" Jakob asked with a smile.Andrew also grinned. "No way!""You better hope that I keep it up," Jakob said."Maybe next time. It's getting late. Don't forget school starts tomorrow.""What?""Yep. You better get to your room and get some sleep.""Pfff. Alright." Groaned Jakob."Go." Andrew handed him the ball. "You'll want to play with your friends tomorrow."
"Yeah. Okay."
   "Good night." And with that, Andrew walked in the darkness. They both knew they wouldn't see each other until the following morning.Jakob just stood there for a moment, as he tried to figure out what was happening. He was used to this by now, since he and Andrew were best friends.Jakob turned and went toward his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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