"Jungkook this is the 4th time you called from the moment you left" Mira shouted through the phone "Just wanna make sure if he is fine or not " Jungkook immediately ended the call while others are laughing their ass off "I don't know how Tae is handling that possessive ass" Jimin said, Soon Baekhyun arrived and Joined the party

It was evening everyone are downstairs while Taehyung is upstairs washing his hands while checking himself in the mirror he suddenly felt dizzy he immediately washed his face and held the counter for support but failed to call he unknowingly linked his mate as he was the only one who came into his mind 'Koo'

Jungkook was in the middle of the meeting when he heard Taehyung, he linked back but got no reply, Mom he linked his mom What Jungkook ? she asked Is Tae with you ? he asked No he went upstairs to washroom She linked back Dammit mom go and check on him he groaned in link Didn't I told you to not leave him alone he shouted in the link making Mira more worry than she is

She hurriedly went towards bathroom which gained everyone attention, but only Jimin followed him, she gasped when she saw Taehyung lying on the old floor "What happened mom ?" Jimin asked entering the room "Oh shit Tae" he shouted when he saw the unconscious male "J-Jimin lift him and lay him on the bed" Mira said while linking Jin to come upstairs who immediately came

Jimin laid the unconscious male on the bed, Jin came just in time along with Baekhyun and Minjae as The alpha's are downstairs along with the Kid, "Let me check" Jin came forward and checked Taehyung, After checking Tae "I am not sure but let's take him to pack Clinic, I want to do scan" Jin said "Jimin you can pick him right" Jimin nodded "Okay bring him to the car" Jin said "Just any one of you come with me" Jin asked while looking at others "I-I will come" Minjae came forward

The Three left to pack Clinic, where as Jungkook was restless as the meeting goes on, Jin did scan and confirmed his guess, They all are waiting Tae to wake up they returned home after that Jin didn't utter a word with anyone, Jungkook asked his mom about the situation who said that he has to link Jin

Jin Hyung Jungkook linked Jin who hummed in the link What happened to Tae ? he asked worriedly He is fine Kook Jin linked back wait Tae is awake I will talk to you later Jin ended the link before Jungkook can ask

Taehyung groaned as he woke up mind still dizzy adjusting his eyes to the light, Minjae immediately gave him water "Are you okay Tae ?" Jin asked Tae who nodded his head "I will ask some questions tell if you feel them or not" Jin said "Is this the first you felt dizzy or did you felt it before today ?" Jin asked "no today" Tae replied "Any cravings ?" jin asked Tae shake his head as no "Did you throw up lately ?" Jin asked again "today morning" Tae replied Jin smiled brightly "Well nothing to worry you are pregnant" Jin said

Taehyung eyes filled with tears as he heard that he is pregnant the pretty male always wanted to have a family of his own, he is happy and he immediately linked Jungkook Koo I am pregnant , On the other hand when Jungkook was so happy that he forgot that he is in a meeting I love you Tae, Thanks baby he linked back I will come as early as I can love Jungkook linked again

Everyone cheered in happiness and congratulated "But I didn't get any scent ?" Tae asked "That was because of the chain and also Jungkook is scenting you every day " Baekhyun explained "I think Jungkook already guessed it, I wonder when" Jimin said while caressing Taehyung's stomach

"Oh baby come out fast I want to tease your father along with you" Jimin talked to Tae stomach "Well it's babies" Jin said making everyone gasp ?"Really" Mira squealed while Tae teared up again but he kept this with him as he planned to tell it Jungkook tomorrow when the Alpha comes back 

What they all don't know is someone outside from the room already heard everything and reported to other's

"Alpha he is pregnant" The male said, "Great Alex keep an eye on him, I will tell you later what to do" the other ended the call "It's twins I think Alpha the doctor said it's babies" Alex said making the other hum

"Dad he said that the omega is pregnant" The male in his 30's reported to elder "We have kill those babies Je Hoon" The elder said "W-What ?" Je Hoon stuttered, "We don't know the rank of babies and also he will become more protective which makes us unable to get us the omega, the children are just a burden we have to get that omega as soon as possible, kill the babies" the elder said "Okay I will think of something and then I will inform you" Je Hoon said

"If you just not been this dick to your mate, we would have already had that Omega with us a long time ago" The elder muttered "Who in the world thinks that the situation will turn out like this, Isn't it you who asked me in the First place to do that, to get rid of that pathetic omega" Je Hoon shouted and left slamming the door 


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