Snowball fight

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You and your boyfriend Teo decided to go for a walk since it was a beautiful snowy day out

You guys start walking around in your neighborhood and talking about random stuff

"oh y/n we should watch the walking dead when we get back home we haven't watched it in awhile" he suggests

You stop walking as you instantly felt guilty you forgot you were watching the show together with him because you had binged watched it all last week

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asks you concerned

"It's just that...I already finished watching all of the walking dead.." you mumbled hoping he doesn't hear you but he does

"What?! y/nnn we were supposed to watch it together" he groaned

"I know...I just forgot and I wanted to find out if Glenn died or not" you admitted

He lets out a long sigh "it's okay but your still gonna watch it with me" he says

"Ok I will and this time I promise I won't watch it without you" you answered

He looks at the ground and smiles as he bends down gathering snow in his palm and rolling it into a ball

"What are you doing?" You questioned

"I'm getting revenge" he says standing back up with the snowball in his hand

"Don't you dare" you threatened

His smile grew wider and throws it at you hitting you in your stomach

"Your dead!" You giggled as you bend over and make a snowball of your own

You stand back up and throw the snowball right in his face

He gasps as he wipes the snow of his face "how dare you!" He says giggling

You guys go back and forth throwing snowballs at each other and giggling

After awhile you guys decide to make your way back home since it was getting colder out

once you guys got back home Teo makes hot chocolate for the both of you

He hands you a cup of hot chocolate "Thank you" you say as you take the cup from his hands

"Be careful it's hot" he warns you

"Of course it's hot it's hot chocolate" you joked

He rolls his eyes and sits down next to you on the couch and pulls a fuzzy blue blanket over the both of you

You and him cuddle up next to each other as he turns on the walking dead

402 words

Teo Briones one shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora