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She yawned, rubbing her eyes as the teachers voice slowly faded out. She pushed her short, wavy hair from her face as she was close to dropping to sleep. Vivienne was exhausted. She was too busy studying for a test to get much sleep last night. At least she didn't have much to do tonight. Appart from babysitting her little brother. He was about to turn five in a week or so, and because Vivienne was a very independent sixteen year old, her parents felt comfortable leaving her in charge while they had time together. Not that she minded. Whenever she babysat she was given a little bit extra for allowance. And at time like this, when chemistry bored her braincells dead, she couldn't wait to get home and babysit.

"You're gonna wanna know this." A voice whispered in her ear, and she looked to her side. "This is why your failing chemistry."

"I'm failing chemistry because it's boring as shit." She returned. He smiled at her a little, shaking his head.

"Viv, your mom is gonna be pissed."

"I promise you, I don't care."

"Miss Johnson, Mr Parker, are we bothering you?" The teacher asked.

"No, sir." Peter answered for the both of them. Vivienne attempted to conceal a smirk and she felt him look at her as the teacher continued on. Yet, she noticed that, even as she had started to listen to what was being said, he was still looking at her. Not as he normally would either. It was more like he just couldn't bring himself to look away. Curious.


Vivienne routed through her locker, desperately searching for her jacket that was buried beneath piles of books. She didn't have the strength the pull it out, as it was evidently caught on something.

"Come on, you stupid son of a-"

"Need a hand?" She turned her head, once again meeting the eyes of her best friend.

"Yes please." She said with a pout. He smiled, one handedly pulling her jacket free. "My hero."

"You ready to go?"

"I am." She nodded, shutting her locker. "Hey, you wanna come over later? I'm babysitting Bobby and I could do with the company, to be honest."

"Yeah, of course." He nodded as the two started down the hall. "Only if you promise me you're not gonna make me watch 'That Awkward Moment' again."

"I promise, but I don't know why you hate it so much." She pouted.

"You only love it because of Zac Efron."

"Urm, no, we all know the real reason I love it is because of Michael B Jordan so, nur."

"You did not just say 'so nur'."

"I did."

"Hey, Viv, I wanted to ask you something." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.


"Would you-"

"Hey, guys!" Someone called and the pair paused in the hall, turning back for a moment.

"Harry." Peter sighed. "Hey, man." On the outside, he was smiling. On the inside, he was seething.

"Vivienne, I've been meaning to ask you something." He smirked, slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"Okay." She sighed. "Go on."

"How would you like to go on a date with me? Say, tomorrow night?" He asked. She looked at him wide eyed. This had taken her by suprise. From all the things she had expected today, this wasn't one of them.

"Wh- uh, what?" She asked.

"I'll be honest with you, okay, because you know I always am." He began. "I am attracted to you."

"Why?" She laughed. "There is nothing attractive about me."

"Come on, just give me a chance." She thought for a minute, momentarily glancing up at Peter. He uncomfortablly shifted from one foot to the other as he kept his eyes on the floor.

"Um, okay. Okay, yeah, why not." She shrugged.

"Great!" He beamed. "See you then, pretty lady." He smiled, suddenly pressing a kiss to her forehead before going on his way. Vivienne didn't move, but furrowed her eyebrows.

"What was that about?" She breathed.

"Are you really gonna go out with him?" Peter asked her, to which she shrugged. "I don't think you should. Just, that whole thing seemed a little wierd to me."

"I've gotta have a first date at some point, right?"

"What do you mean 'at some point'? Have you never been on a date before?"

"You say that like you don't know." She scoffed. "I don't know, I guess the opportunity just never came up. I mean, I've always had a vague idea of what I'd like my first date to be, but, since I've never really had one, it's probably not what you'd expect."

"Tell me."

"When we get home. My parents are expecting me." She smiled, linking her arm through his.


"I'm home!" She called, pushing open the front door of her home.

"Vivi!" A voice squeaked, and she smiled as she saw her little brother running towards her.

"Hey, Bobby." She smiled, scouping him up in one arm. "Are you ready for our super fun afternoon?"

"Can we sing the song again?" He asked, wrapping the string of her hoodie around his finger.



"I'll think about it." She smiled.

"Vivienne, get your ass in here right now." Her mother growled, popping her head out of the kitchen door. "Oh, hi, Peter." She smiled at him, but then resumed scowling when she looked back at her daughter. "Now."

"I think you're in trouble." Peter teased, to which she smiled before cautiously entering the kitchen. Her mother was resting against the kitchen counter, a thin piece of card in her hand.

"You wanna tell me what this is?"

"Uh, paper?" She shrugged.

"You're still failing chemistry."

"It's boring."

"I don't care." Her mother growled. "You need to start focusing more."

"If you can tell me exactly why I need chemistry, then I'll start focusing more on it." Her mother went quiet for a moment, her glare hardening purely because her daughter had bested her.

"Damn." She sighed. "Seriously, Vivienne, at least aim for higher than a D."

"I make no promises." She smiled. "Have a good night."

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