Parents, this is tubbo

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POV: tubbo

Ranboo and I walked to our class holding hands, right a before we entered our hands parted, I felt cold without his warm paw looking hands holding mine

We entered class and sat next to eachother like usual, I could tell ranboo was still slightly blushing from earlier which caused me to have a slight grin

"Good morning class, today-" just as always, I fell asleep before I really heard the teacher say anything, I woke up in the middle of class to ranboo looking uncomfortable "Ranboo, you ok?" I whispered while looking at ranboo "u-uh I'm fine-.. it's just Jared is staring at me" I looked behind ranboo to see Jared, staring daggers at both me and ranboo, I narrowed my eyes as our eyes locked, he clearly had bad intentions "what." I mouthed, he looked away annoyed and I looked back to ranboo "I'll talk to him after class" I smiled and placed my hand on ranboo's arm, he smiled and we looked back to the teacher

After we exited the class, jared came to us, mainly me

"OI, I know what you two did earlier, and I will tell the class you both are little f€gs" he smiled and I was so ready to drag this bitch to hell but ranboo placed his hand on my shoulder, as if to stop me "well, what do you want from us..?" Ranboo spoke, his tone hushed as usual around other people "hmmmm~ since I'm such a nice person, I'll let you be for now, but if I find out anything else goes on between you two I'll surely spill it, alright?" I could tell ranboo tensed and didnt like this, he gave a sigh and looked at me with a saddened expression, as if asking me to be the one to make this decision.

We all stopped as I heard screams echo down the hall, it was Tommy running away from 2 women "Tommy-?" I tilted my head at the blonde "TUBBO HELP THESE WOMEN ARE CRAZY! THEY'VE BEEN CHASING ME AND KEEP SAYING IM THEIR BOYFRIEND-" I sighed and seemed unamused, I looked back to Jared only to see he'd already left "Tom just hide with us I guess" Tommy nodded and stood behind me and ranboo, we watched as the two girls ran past us, they were pushing eachother to try and find Tommy "simps" I snickered


POV: Ranboo

I glanced over tubbo and gulped "hey- tubbo" he looked up to me "yeah?" "Do you wanna maybe come to my house?" I fidgeted with my hands nervously, hoping he didn't seem weird "sure! I gotta ask my dad if I can though" I watched tubbo take out his phone and assumingly texted his dad

"He said yes" I smiled and wagged my thin, long tail with excitement "I'll ask my parent if they can pick me up since I came on my bicycle" I took out my own phone and texted dusty


Dearest parent

R - hey dusty, can you come pick me and my friend up?

D - sure! Gimme a few minutes and I'll be there

R - thanks, we'll be waiting


"They'l be here soon" we went over to a bench and sat down, I placed my hand on tubbo's and we slightly blushed 

My parents car pulled up, it looked like a vintage style car with a mossy green tint to its paint, I stood and approached the car and tubbo followed behind me "hey dusty" I waved and sat in the back seat, tubbo sat beside me and we both placed our backpacks down "hello Ranboo, I'm assuming your the tubbo my kid keeps talking about?" I blushed and tubbo spoke "yep, nice to meet you" "dusty, dusty beloved" they smiled as we went home 

POV: Tubbo

As we got to ranboo's house, my eyes slightly widened to see a HUUUGEE property with a large cabin in it the front, I in-verbally gasped as we got out "that's such a cool house bossman"  I could tell ranboo slightly blushed "well, let's get inside shall we?" Ranboo's parent, dusty opened the door to the house

We walked inside and I noticed just how cottagecore the house was, as someone who was somewhat into the aesthetic I felt at home at this place "SAGE! RANBOO'S HOME" dusty said a bit loudly, I heard a door open and woman who I'm assuming is this Sage person came out and hugged ranboo "welcome home dear child of mineeee" Ranboo chuckled and hugged her, she then noticed me and walked backwards "oh, who's this, ranboo?" Ranboo held my hand causing me to turn a little red "this is tubbo" he seemed to blush a little aswell and Sage seemed to know what's going on "I knew it, you ARE gay!" Dusty burst out laughing and ranboo turned all red "s-stopppp-" he prolonged his words and wrapped his arms around me

"Your a baby, ranboo" I laughed and gave ranboo a light kiss, he froze and curled up on the floor, his face all red "oh get uuupp, you little fruity baby" I helped ranboo up and Sage took us to the kitchen

"So, tubbo, How is ranboo at school?" Dusty sat next to us as ranboo was still just spaced out, red. "Well-.. everyone at school is like constantly surrounding him, I've had to drag some kids before just to get them away from him" dusty snickered a bit "sounds like someone's a popular boy" Ranboo was still spaced out and red "yeah, but there's this one kid, Jared, oohhhhhohooo he's a fucking bitch, he called both of us f€gs and threatened to tell the whole school" dusty frowned at the news "well, I'll definitely be talking to the school about that, no homophobic bitches finna touch MY child and their friend!" Dusty smiled and ruffled my hair, we turned and Sage placed down bowls of ramen, each bowl had an egg, plenty of vegetables and some chicken in it "enjoy you fruity people" they giggled and sat next to Sage, giving her a small kiss to Dusty "hehe- fruity" I smiled and began to eat, ranboo STILL spaced out "wake up" I shook ranboo until he was snapped out of his little trance

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