Chapter 1

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A/N Be easy on me, this is the first full story i have written and posted before also I posted this at 12am so i apologize if there's any spelling/grammar errors and i would be happy if you could kindly point them out.

Arisu stood over the counter, looking over at the bustling coffee shop, barista's moving in between tables, unable to keep up with orders coming in at a fast pace, not that this was unexpected. It was rush hour on a Saturday after all.

"Hey, are you going to do anything or keep on standing there?"

That snapped Arisu out of his trance. He glanced over to Kuina as she walked over to him, arms crossed over a green apron, "As you can clearly see, it's rush hour, and having you not doing anything isn't going to help us, is it?"

She walked past him to another table and that's when Arisu remembered he was supposed to be delivering to table 28. He took his tray, glad Kuina had reminded him, otherwise the drinks would've gone cold.

It took a while for the shop to calm down, specifically 3 hours. It wasn't completely empty, there were still people here and there, but at least they were able to chill a bit.

Arisu and Usagi sat at a table near the corner of the shop, Usagi telling him that she just wanted to chat. Arisu agreed, and now they're sipping lemonades, laughing at who knows what until Hatter appears at their table.

He rests his head on his chin, "Sooo, everything going on right with these two little lovebirds?" He grinned.

They both stop laughing immediately and look at him.

"Oh, oh no, no no no, we're not ... something like ... that," Usagi says, stumbling through her words, Arisu's cheeks behind her get a subtle red tint.

"Hmmm? Well that's not what I see over here." He points to the two (now half empty) lemonade glasses.

"Yeah, she's right, we're just friends that's it."

"Well, then I guess that I should get going then, If any of you need me I'll be over there," he pointed to over the counter, "Bye bye."

He walked over slowly to the counter, whistling and pretending he wasn't listening to whatever their conversation would be now.

Usagi looked over to Arisu, "Y'know Hatter is a bit..."

"Mental, nosy, really careless?" He says while tilting his head

"All three."

It's quiet for a few seconds until they burst out laughing.


"You really shouldn't be talking about people's love lives," Augini murmurs.

Hatter looks at him as if he's trying to think about how gossiping about people was bad.

"Well I can and no one can stop me," he waves his head, shrugging it off, "Now back to what I was saying..."

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