"Jon do you like the snow?"

"No, not particularly," Jon huffed, tugging on his jacket and pulling it tighter around him, "it's too cold when it snows."

"It's not that bad out here," Martin chuckled, wrapping an arm around Jon's shoulders.

"Yeah, right, says you. You have what three shirts on and a coat?"

"Hey! I get cold easily."

"But you're saying it's not bad out here when it's showing," Jon huffed, leaning against Martin as they walked, "let's just get home, it's too cold."

"Alright you grump, I'll make you a nice warm cup of tea when we get back; sound like a deal?"


Soon the two made it back to the flat, going in and getting situated. Setting their things down and Jon going and changing into somthing warmer. Afterwards going and sitting in the livingroom, watching Martin in the kitchen put the kettle on the stove. 

Jon sighed and smiled softly, putting his arm on the back of the sofa and laying his head down to watch Martin work. Moving from one side of the kicked to the other, setting their cups down on the counter, putting the honey in them and then the tea bags.  Martin looked so focused on the task, and it made Jon smile a bit more, chuckling a little under his breath.

That's what made Martin look up finally. Smiling over at Jon, who just laughed a little more, "what is it? Did I do somthing?"

"No no, don't worry about it, just watching."

"Mm," Martin hummed, turning back to the now boiling water, getting the kettle and pouring water in the cups. Once they were stirred he brought them to the livingroom and set them on the coffee table before kissing Jon's forehead, "I'm gonna get changed. I'll be back."

Jon hummed and watched Martin walk off, reaching over to the table and grabbing his cup before leaning back. Soon Martin came back, dragging their blanket.

"What are you doing?" Jon asked, looking at Martin as he walked around the back of the couch.

"Making you warm," he stated happily, wrapping the blanket around Jon before sitting next to him.

"Well thank you love," Jon mumbled, scooting up against Martin and yawning. Martin smiled and wrapped his arm around his lover's shoulders pulling him close before kissing the side of his head.

"Anytime," he mumbled, holding Jon against him a moment before grabbing his tea, "would you like to watch a movie?"

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