Chapter 5: Ours Is Fury!

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After Robert's ascension to the Iron Throne, he sought to punish the pro-Targaryen individuals like Pycelle, Varys and Ser Barristan Selmy however, Pycelle pleaded his hardest to be spared as he said that he convinced the Mad King to open the gates of King's Landing which allowed Tywin Lannister and the Lannister Army to sack the city's defence with less casualties then anticipated and allowed an easier victory for King Robert. After, receiving confirmation from other people present at the time he pardoned the maester. Jon Arryn explained that Varys's large spy network in Westeros and abroad would be critically useful to his reign, following the advice given to him Robert pardoned Varys as well. 

Both King Robert and Lord Eddard held Ser Barristan Selmy in very high esteem as they both heard stories of how he fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings, which was an attempted invasion by the exiled House Blackfyre and were he slew their leader, Maelys the Monstrous, the last Blackfyre pretender in close combat single-handedly. Ser Barristan is known to many as one of the most honourable and one of the greatest knights in Westerosi history who is reputed for chivalry and honour second-to-none. Even though some people requested King Robert to execute Ser Barristan to be executed as a pro-Targaryen loyalist, he instead pardoned him and made him Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for his protection. 

The next on his to-do list was officially appointing his friend Lord Eddard Stark as Lord Paramount of the North, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North even though its hereditary its a formality he had to maintain for the sake of tradition. After, the painful deaths of his father and brother, Robert deemed that Eddard had been through enough and sent him and the Northern forces home even though Eddard wanted to stay and help. Robert told him that rest, recuperation and healing is of paramount importance right now to which, the former complied. After their departure, Robert appointed his father-figure, Lord Jon Arryn as Hand of the King to help him take care of the reconstruction of Westeros.  

On his Small Council with Jon Arryn as Hand of the King, the cabinet had sound leadership from an experienced administrator. Pycelle stayed on as Grand Maester, Varys as Master of Whisperers, Ser Barristan Selmy as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard while Stannis Baratheon was appointed as Master of Ships and Ser Kevan Lannister as Master of Laws meanwhile suitable candidates for Master of Coin were being sought out. 

For playing an important part in the Rebellion, Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West was allowed to keep his position as the ruler of the Westerlands by King Robert and as a show of gratitude he married Lord Tywin's daughter Cersei Lannister even though he was devastated by Lyanna's death. Houses Tyrell, Martell and Greyjoy swore fealty to King Robert I to retain their pre-war positions under the new Royal House of the Seven Kingdoms.  

Through the gruelling years of the beginning of his reign he had to fill multiple vacancies throughout his government, punish traitors and pardon political opponents for the stability of the realm, which seriously exhausted and bored Robert but it had to be done if he wanted to have a 'relaxing' future. 

Renly finishes reminiscing how the past was like and how it affected the present and the future. He felt grateful to his first brother for granting him their family's ancestral seat of Storm's End to him and his descendants. It was one of the most prosperous and dangerous areas in the Stormlands. He was recognised as an effective administrator and unorthodox combatant by the Stormlords who was seen as reasonably ambitious in his goals. 

Renly was contemplating on who his future partner should be for which, his eyes are on Margaery Tyrell of the Reach. Next his attention shifted to what his brother, Robert who often confided in told him five years ago, .

"Renly, its been awhile you have grown alot since I have last seen you," boomed Robert. Renly replied,

"Yes it has been Your Grace I miss the good times it was just us three and our parents." Robert said,

"Drop the Your Grace sh*t we are family just call me brother," to which the former complied. "I have noticed something in the last few years," to which Renly's interest piqued and motioned his brother to continue, 

"I noticed that there is something wrong with my children but I cannot seemed to narrow it down to what it is and without evidence I can't bring this issue to light. So for safety precautions I have married a second time to Jeyne Morrigen of Crow's Nest." Renly was stupefied and shocked at what he heard,

"How come brother, what is the reason you need to have a second marriage, do you realise the consequence of this matter?" Renly poured out. Robert gently silenced his brother,

"As I have noticed that there is something suspicious about my children but I do not have any evidence to backup my claims therefore, I have to ensure that should my suspicions become correct that I have backup plans in place. Fret not, everyone involved in this operation have been permanently silenced. The only ones that know are you, me, a close confidant of mine who is a blacksmith in Stonehelm and Lester Morrigen, Lord of Crow's Nest who is Jeyne's brother." 

The worries in Renly's eyes have somewhat subsided and he was handed official identity documents and a secret royal decree from his brother, 

"Obviously, I have a son from this marriage, and for safety purposes his name is Gendry Waters and in those documents prove that he is born in the Crownlands while the reality is that he is born in the Stormlands and is my child, the royal decree is evidence of that. Promise me that you will protect Jeyne and Gendry, Renly, promise me," Robert firmly asked. Renly complied without hesitance, that he would be protecting his family members. Robert told him that the mother and son duo are under the watchful eye of his blacksmith confidant in Stonehelm. 

Robert also told him since he wanted to his son and his descendants to hold lands that he begin the reconstruction of Morne in five years time so that their family has various members for a wholesome relationship and the succession line is abundant should any unforeseen thing occur. A request to which Renly agreed to but mentioned what if Lord Selwyn Tarth asked to which, Robert told him that its a seat for younger sons of House Baratheon. After which, the brothers began catching up on other affairs in their lives. 

As Renly finishes pondering on his past memories he notices the piles of work on his table in the Main Hall where he sat down and began addressing the issues of his state. One of the first thing he does is writing up a construction contract with the available castle builders in the Stormlands and write a letter to Lord Selwyn Tarth about the reconstruction of Morne. Both of which were given to a messenger and dispatched to their destination.   

Renly walked out to the courtyard in Storm's End to  marvel at the beauty of the gardens, which his mother Lady Cassana Baratheon (neé Estermont), planted many of the blooming flowers when she lived here. An act which, Renly continues to this day while mainly the caretaking is done by the gardener getting his hands in the soil reminds him of the happy times with his mother. Although he becomes lonely sometimes, he befriended the people who work in the castle as his family and in turn they are fiercely loyal to him and is greatly respected. As such secrets that are spoken in the castle stays there. 

He continues thinking about his future partner, mainly about Margaery Tyrell as he feels the most attracted to her and in the past he watched her from afar, he liked her personality, mannerisms, self-discipline & composure, self independence among other traits. Walking past the gardens and up the stairs to the study room of the Lord of Storm's End he plopped down on his cosy chair and began writing to his brother a letter containing his thoughts about wanting to court Lady Margaery Tyrell of the Reach as his significant other. 

Afterwards, he attached the letter on a carrier pigeon and set it towards King's Landing while he composed himself and headed towards to the armoury to visit Ser Courtnay Penrose, the Castellan of Storm's End about the military affairs of the state. First, however, he went towards the calming and peaceful gardens to clear and refocus his mind. with a bright smile. 

Hi everyone, here is the next chapter in the story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I appreciate constructive comments and no hate please also story requests are welcomed. I will try to keep the updates every two weeks on the weekends.

WC: 2155

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