The Girl in Apartment 4-D

Start from the beginning

As we stopped the gruff voiced man spoke again,

“We’re going to get what we’re owed for her.”

What was it that they were owed,

And my mind made the connection,

They were going to ransom me for whatever it was,

That they wanted,

But my family didn’t owe them anything,

Not that I knew of,

Then it hit me,

Maybe my dad is holding secrets,

Secrets hidden with the walls that I had no idea,


I was pulled up,

Where I sat waiting,

As the hood was pulled off my head,

As my eyes adjusted,

Didn’t know where I was,

But it slowly became clear,

That we were sitting inside a warehouse,

I sat wondering,

What was coming next,

As the men set up a camera,

On a tripod,

The red light flashing,

And the man begins talking,

‘I hope your seeing this,

Because if not your precious little angel,

Will be dead very soon,

Bring us what you owe,

And she lives,

It’s that simple Evan.”

I shuttered when they said,

My dad’s name,

Just thinking that he could know people like this,

Made me sick inside,

And it made me think,

What is it that he owed them,

The gruff man,

Picked the camera off the tripod,

And walked toward me,

Flashing the camera in my face,

“You see your little girl,”

He grabbed me by the hair,

“I’m not fucking around anymore,

Meet us in the abandoned industrial park,

Within 24 hours or she dies.”

He shut off the camera,

As another shut a laptop,

And the hood was put back on,

And into the vehicle I went again,

Where they slammed the doors,

Hours had to pass,

Before they started it again,

And we were moving,

I sat silently,

Only assuming that we were going to meet my dad,

The Girl in Apartment 4-DWhere stories live. Discover now