“Come on, let's have a nap, I’m exhausted.”  He said, taking both your hands and pulling you to the bed.  You traced over his cut with your finger tips. “It’s ugly isn’t it?”

"Honestly, I find it rather sexy, my hard working man.”  You said kissing him again.

“Well I’m glad my lady likes it.”  You giggled and laid your head against his shoulder. 

A few hours later George was woken up by one of his men telling him to come down to see the new swords that were being made of spanish steele.  He quietly left the room and went to try them out and see if the rumours were true about the strength of them.  While he was gone his cousin had returned rather upset and defeated looking.  He really didn’t want to give his cousin more bad news but he knew he had to.  He had lost the gold and all his men were now dead. George was going to be so mad and he really didn’t want to deal with him yelling and throwing things around the room.  He was told that he could find George in the armory.  Walking there slowly he entered the armory and saw George swinging around swords.  

“We were ambushed, cousin.”  He said, clearing his throat.  

“Spanish steel, much stronger than our native blades.”  George ignored his comment, hitting the board in front of his cousin making him jump.  “Any losses?” He asked, acknowledging his cousin's statement.

“Some. In truth, all of them.”  He kicked the dirt in front of him.

“And the gold?”  George asked, still fiddling with the swords.  


“Robin Hood?”  

They were woodsmen cousin.”

“Robin hood.”  This is when you snuck into the armory looking for Geroge and saw the interaction.  

“I tried.”

“Cousin, cousin.”

“I tried, I tried.” George's cousin cried.  You smiled as he hugged his cousin.  It was good to see George comforting him instead of yelling at him. You leaned your back against the wall across the room, if he'd looked up he would have seen you easily but he was too focused on his cousin.  

“We can’t let a bunch of woodsmen make fools of us.  And I can’t let a lieutenant fail me.”  He suddenly switched to anger, plunging a sword in his cousin's stomach.  You gasped. .  

“Well at least I didn’t use a spoon.”  He joked… He made a joke, at a time like this.  He glanced up and saw you looking at him with so much disgust and anger and fear. “Y/N.”  He rose from his spot on the ground but you took off running. 

He chased you, you knew you couldn’t outrun him for long so you ducked into a room and hid in the closet.  George had keys to all the rooms and you knew he would check every single room until he found you.  You stayed in the closet hoping you could make a run out of the castle later that night but it didn’t happen.  After less than an hour George found you.  He opened the closet door and you turned your face away from him while tears flowed freely down your face.

“Please don’t, I’ll leave, I'll do whatever you want, please just don’t.” You cried thinking he was going to kill you too.  

“What?  Y/N I am not going to hurt you.”  He replied in disbelief that you could think such a thing.  

“Really because you didn’t think twice before running a sword through your cousin's chest.”  you shot back.  

“I wouldn’t hurt you. I’ve told you how much I love you.”

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