Maybe One Day

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Maybe one day I'll be everything I want to be,
I'll be sweet and kind, and finally free.
I'll be the one people seek out for advice,
I'll be lovely and caring, and really nice.
I'll help out people without selfish gain,
I'll give them my umbrella when there's rain.
I'll give up my seat on the bus for the elderly,
I'll spread out my kindness everywhere evenly.
Maybe one day I'll be the reason people smile,
And everyone will see my brightness from a mile.
Maybe one day...
But not today.
And not tomorrow.
Right now I'm not sweet or kind,
I try to not pay anyone mind.
I'm locked in a cage, trying to break free,
Why can't people just let me be?
I'm doubtful and untrusting,
Why's it so hard for me to be loving?
Right now I'll stand in the rain, let it wash me away,
I'll stand in the wind and let it make me sway.
I'll sit on the bus and watch out the window,
I'll sit all alone in a dreadful meadow.
Right now I'll walk down the halls head down low,
Quiet, while walking alongside yet another row.
Maybe one day...
But not today.

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