"Quick quick Tu choose between these two!" Bright said frantically moving around. "Woah woah what got you so worked up in the morning" Tu asked raising her eyebrows teasingly at her brother. Bright glared at her "just choose na " he poured at his sister. "ok ok wait lemme think"

The outfits in question

"The first one" Tu said. "It will look good on me right, it's not gonna make me look bad right?" Bright asked frantically. "Calm down phi" Tu said
Bright pouted "you know you look good with anything you wear" Tu said looking at his pouting brother "but what got you so worked up ha! Your only going for a meeting with Phi Win or is there something more!?" a teasing look coming up on Tu's face. Bright blushed lightly, and glared at his sister and went away to change. "P'Bai~" Tu called in a sing a song tone only to get a pillow on her face. "Yah!" Tu laughed at his brother and ran inside to tease him more.

(Tu and Bright here represents me and my sister when we tease each othe specially about our crushes😋)

While they were having breakfast after getting dressed Bright recived a call and his smile went bigger. It was his mom's call. He excited picked up the call kept it in speaker both Tu and Bright simultaneously shouted "MOM!" laughter was heard at the other end. "How are my babies doing?" Mrs vachirawit asked. "We are fine mumma and we miss you when are you coming back" Tu asked pouting at their mom. "aww my babies i miss you both too well are you both free this evening?" She asked. "yes we will be back from work by evening why mom?" She smiled at them and said "i will be back today" both the siblings jumped in joy they had seen their mother last 6 months back before they heard the news of their grandmother being sick and as she stays alone so Mrs Vachirawit went to stay with her. Now that she has recovered she will be back for few days to spend with her kids. "Ok ok calm down before I go their i will be meeting my best friend i miss her so you both don't have to wait for me i will be back by 9" they pouted but smiled nodding because they know she misses her best friend though they never met her they know she very special to their mother and we all know how much a best friend can be special for everyone's lives.

They got ready and was about to call their driver when the doorbell rang. "I'll see Tu just go take the files and bag and come downstairs" Tu smiled "ok p"
Bright opened the door only to find a smilling Win standing outside with a bouquet of flowers. "What are you doing here?" Bright asked to a smirking Win. Ignoring the confused baby's question "aren't you gonna let me in?" Raising an eyebrow looking at Bright smirking lightly. Bright blinked at the sly smirk on the others face "uh yeah come in Sir" Bright said ushering him inside only to get pinned on the door by his boss. "didn't i tell you to not call me sir outside the office premises" Win said towering over him pinning him with his body. Bright closed his eyes in instinct fisting his hands only to hear a chuckle from his boss. His chin was lifted up bt cold soft and slender fingers, "i told you to call me Win outside right baby?" Bright's widened after hearing a nickname and his cheeks started to get red. He for sure knew by now that his boss loves to tease him, but the endearment made him feel different, he couldn't tell what but he knew if he stayed in close contact like this with Win anymore right now he would combust. Win chukled and moved away. He loved to tease his secretary, the reaction he always loves to see he smiled inwardly.
He backed away smirking, "aren't you gonna get ready to go baby?" Bright opened his eyes to a smilling Win. He huffed and pouted not knowing the effect it's has on the other person.

"Hey P'baiii your ba-!" Tu said only to halt on her steps. "P'Winnn" Tu said happily and energetically and hugged her P'Win like a little excited kid. Win is like a big brother next to her P'bai. He treats her like a sister maybe values and loves her more than he would have loved his own sister. Tu hugged him only to get glared by her P'bai. "P'Win see na P'bai is glaring at me" Tu said pouting at Win but internally smirking because she knew that her brother has feelings for Win she wanted to tease him. (Siblings things even i do that😋) Win turned towards Bright only to see him avoiding looking at him. "Tu can you get me some water?" Tu smiled and nodded and went to the kitchen not before winking at his brother who glared at her with pouting lips. "Stop pouting or it won't be good for you" Bright looked at Win with a coy smile challenging him "what are you gonna do Win?"
Win just smiled which morphed to a smirked started walking towards Bright and the poor baby flushed started stepping backwards only to be hit by the dressing table, Win put his hands on either side of the Bright's head and towered over him. Bright closed his eyes, having Win in such a close proximity, hot breathes fanning on each other's face, not hearing anything Bright opened his eyes only to meet with the hazel.eyes of Win, he could clearly see his own reflection in Win's eyes, as if it was  a mirror, they looked at each other with a longing gaze, as if they won't see each other anymore savoring all the small things and features of the other. Bright started feeling as if something was moving in his stomach, he felt his legs wobbly Win's gaze had something different in it, he couldn't comprehend but that made him feel different, he felt he couldn't stand the stare. Win bend down slightly and whispered in Bright's ear  "don't test my patience petal it wouldn't be good." Bright felt goosebumps all over his body, the tingling sensation in his stomach was more aggressive, his could feel his heart racing so far he was afraid the other could feel, even hear it. Bright slightly pushed Win by his chest, blush adorning his cheeks and looked away.

Gosh can this guy he anymore cute, Win thought chuckling to himself. Bright looked at him making a questioning face like 'why you laughing ' Win shook his face smilling.

"P'Win here's your water" Tu siad coming back from the kitchen. "Thank you Tu"  Win said smilling to Tu. Tu smiled back cutely, when her eyes went to her brother who's cheeks were still having a red hue. She just smirked at herself kind of understanding what happened here but choose to stay quiet. Suddenly they heard a car's horn outside. Win went out to see his brother standing with his Aston Martin. "Hey Dew you reached here early" Dew looked up to his brother and smiled. "Yeah i just dropped off dad at the construction site with Nani and Gigie. They are gonna some inspection and come back by lunch time." Win nodded smilling.

"Dew!" They heard a voice, turning back they found the siblings standing there. Bright smiled at Dew and went to hug him. "hey little one how are you?" Bright asked after breaking the hug.
"I am fine P'bai." Dew smilling, just like Win, he takes Bright like his older brother and well maybe secretly wants his brother to be with Bright cause he knows that only Bright can handle him.

His eyes fall on the small figure standing a big away with light red hue adorning her cheeks, cute Dew thought. Tu was contemplating to go their cause she was knew she will stutter, she always does when she is with Dew, because common everyone stutter or get shy in front of their crush (even i stutter a lot in front of my crush), she looked upto see Bright hugging Dew and Dew hugging back but his eyes were on her, she looked away "Tu come here bubba" Bright called her, she went towards them. "Tu can you accompany to the shop section of the company i have already given you the files yesterday." Win said. "H-huh me?" Tu said pointing at herself. "Yes you Tu" both the brothers chuckled seeing her behaviour, Tu nodded slowly to answer their question and Bright just smiled at his flustered sister. "well let's go then Dew take care of my sister well" Win said narrowing his eyes at Dew, then laughed. "Don't worry P' i am gonna take care of my cutie" Tu whiped her head to the side only to see Dew looking at her teasingly but smilling warmly. Bright who was surprised for a few seconds smiled at them, he knew both had feelings for each other but it's just that they need time to figure things out. He tore his eyes for them only to land upon Win who was staring at him with, loving soft eyes, he looked down a light shade of pink adorning his cheeks.

"All right let's go then we are getting late" Win exclaimed now looking at his watch. They nodded and went to seperate cars Dew and Tu went inside first then Bright and Win'. "Good luck P'bai for the meeting and the date." Bright widened his eyes when he heard that from Dew who just passed by them driving away to their destination.

He felt his cheeks burning, Win chuckled at him and went near him, face so close to each other that Bright can see Win's lashes the close proximity made Bright close his eyes, he could feel the other breath on his lips. When he didn't feel anything he opened his eyes only to lock eyes with Win's, they stared at each other for few good seconds when Bright heard a click sound. He looked down to see his seat belt clumped down properly, he closed his eyes in slight relief but more of embarrassment. He heard a chuckle from the side, Win was laughing, that made Bright pout, here i am having a mental breakdown and he is laughing Bright thought. Don't pout Bright i told you right?" Win said in his soft yet serious voice. Bright looked at Win smirking "or what Sir what are you gonna do" Win just smiled and shook his head and leaned in only to whisper "or else i am gonna kiss you till you drop baby" and leaned back on his seat. That was enough to keep Bright shut for the ride, with his cheeks coloured in red.

God!!!aahh why is he flirting with me my poor heart Hwy am i supposed to say Bright thought, while Win drove the car to their company.

Hey guys i am so sorry my school, there everything is hectic, exams project block test i am sorry for such late update hopefully i will able to update the story more often

Can yall guess who is Mrs Metawin's best friend?

Hope you enjoy this chapter
See you all soon💜
Till bye from me💙
Take care🧡

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