Chapter 1 - It's Just Us in The End, Icarus

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There they were, running because they had just been exiled. They finally reached their safe haven and when they did they gathered some items and took a rest. A few weeks go by and they start building a new place and a new nation, just them. It was two brothers against an entire nation, with no idea how they were going to pull it off. They had just gotten back from looting chests and Tommy was talking about how his own country had betrayed him. I mean it was true, he had given up everything for that place. Even his discs, his most prized possessions, were sacrificed in order for them to keep L'Manberg and this is what they were talking about now.

"Wilbur the only reason why we went through with all the bloodshed and all the pain was because we needed L'manberg. And if there isn't L'manberg, then what's the point of this server?" Tommy was now facing Wilbur, anger in his eyes. He needed to get L'maberg back, but to do that he needed Wilbur on his side. Wilbur gave a small chuckle, confusing Tommy, and said without looking up, "I know why you're doing this Tommy," he looked up, with an almost crazed look in his eyes. "I know, I see it in your eyes, I see it. I can hear it in your voice." He was gave a half laugh and said, "Tommyinit you're scared. Tommy, you're scared that people will think differently of you," He got closer,

"Tommy, when I said you're never going to be president, you've got to understand that wasn't a challenge. That's true, you're never going to be president Tommy and I can hear it in your voice. You're trying to sound like you know what you're doing so that you can prove me wrong." With that Tommy's rage ensued but Wilbur continued, "Tommy, none of us know what we're doing, cause Schlatt knows, he's a smart man. He knows that if we fight him, even if we beat him, we've lost. If he fight's us and kills us, we've lost. Tommy there's no in between, he knows we've lost," he sounded almost sad at that, "and Tommy I know you're scared, I understand you're scared, and it's scary. It's scary Tommy, but you know what? In times like these when a man has nothing to lose, do you know what that means?" "What does that mean?" Tommy asked, done with his brother's rantings. "It means we can do what we want."

As Wilbur continued to rant, Tommy then remembered what Wilbur had asked him when they were first exiled. "Tommy, am I a bad guy? Am I the villain in your history?" and then also, "Tommy, let's be the bad guys." He knew what Wilbur wanted to do. "No. No. No! Stop it! Alright? If this is what you think will help us recover L'manberg, then I'll go along with it. But I don't agree with it, okay? This isn't the right thing to do, this isn't the moral thing to do."

Tommy thought this was madness and knew there was only one solution. He was going to call him the one person he knew could help them get it back; The Blade. He connected the call,

"So I've been hearing around the other servers that you and Wilbur have been needing some help."


I would just like to say before this continues, that I am in no way a c!Tommy nor a c!Technoblade apologist. I personally feel like they both fucked up in their own ways. So some parts/lines are going to be more focused on them and showing them as the victim.

-Your Local Damned Writer

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