Raiden opened his eyes to see everyone either fast asleep or comforting there loved ones... Some people had guns and spears with them and headed outside...

He then noticed that there are sun rays piercing the glass

It was morning

He stood up and stretched himself... Priest Gabriel then stood up and headed towards the front of the Section of the Church... Everyone had their eyes on him

Gabriel:"People of the church! Please pack up everything you can! We are moving towards Nagazora City!"

Hearing that, the Masses then stood up and began putting their belongings in bags... Raiden only had a one mini bag that contained some clothes and a rather mysterious chest...


Everyone had prepared and began moving out of the Church as they followed Priest Gabriel who led them towards their destination... Raiden followed beside Gabriel

Raiden:"Hey Father Gabriel?"

Gabriel:"Yes my child?"

Raiden:"What lies in Nagazora?"

Gabriel:"A place we can be safe..."

Raiden satisfied with the answer decided to not ask further questions...

Gabriel:"Hey Raiden..."

Raiden looked at Gabriel confusingly
The Man then handed the Young boy a small book... To which he accepted

Gabriel:"Keep it... For Keepsake ofcourse"

Raiden puts it in his bag for safekeeping

Raiden:"I'll treasure it Priest... No... Father Gabriel"

Gabriel then smiled and patted the Young Boy

Gabriel:"Your a good kid Raiden... Keep being you"

Days turn to Weeks and Weeks turn to months staying and resting

Before continuing on

In this time frame both Gabriel and Raiden got along quite well for each other... Telling stories and expanding their visions

Gabriel also told him of a place he wants to go and see with his own eyes someday

After some travelling Gabriel and the others came across A Bridge that led to Nagazora after a few stops

Raiden was focused on the blue water below them... Looking around its massive size

Gabriel:"This is Nagazora's famous Benares Tunnel"

Raiden:"What's the significance? Father Gabriel?"

As Raiden looked at the Priest with a curious shine in his eyes

Gabriel then looked at the Rivers horizon while walking

Gabriel:"Legends said that the Great Dragon Benares... Lighting Dragon of the North came down from the moon and fell towards Serenity Forest which is here... Locals told that the Demons of Oni Thunder descended on the farmers somehow shot the great dragon mid flight from here to the moon"


Gabriel chuckled as Raiden did a small jump as he kept looking at the river

Gabriel:"Well... Benares descended upon the demons that made it fall and using its mastery over the lighting element conjured an earth shattering thunderstrike that created the Nagazora tunnel before flying again... Never to be seen again"

//Punishing Gray Raven\\ Where stories live. Discover now