Spencer's Feelings

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Spencer's pov

After Emily said that she liked me I left right away I don't know why. I've been struggling with my feelings for a while now because I started seeing Emily in different ways then I should and I didn't like it. So when she confessed it was too much for me and I couldn't stand to look at her. So I started driving around the neighborhood in circles thinking about what I was going to do. Allow myself to like her or be what a Hastings would be, straight as a ruler.
Just then I look behind me and see a familiar car, it was Arias I tried to go faster but she kept catching up. Then she honked her horn really loud and long so I stopped. She stopped too and got out of her car, slammed the door and started walking over to me. Once she got to my car she looked pissed and just opened the car door, sat in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.
"Why?" Aria asks
"Why what?" I answered confused
"You know what!" Aria screamed
"I didn't know what to say I panicked so I left" I replied
"You left your best friend crying hysterically in Hannas arms because you 'panicked'!?" Aria yelled furiously
" yes will you let me explain?" I asked
"Go ahead sure explain why you broke your best friends heart" aria answered annoyed
"A couple months ago I started to feel differently around Emily I didn't know what it was. So it started getting stronger and I realized I developed a little crush. But I'm not gay well at least I didn't want to admit it. So I was having difficulty accepting myself so that's why I panicked when she said she loved me I wasn't ready to say that I liked her. I never meant to hurt her" I answered starting to tear up.
"So you like her back?" Aria asks more relaxed now. I nodded now tears streaming down my face.
"You made her really upset and she thinks you hate her and she ruined your life" aria said
"Oh my god I'm such an idiot what have I done!" I scream cried
" Spence she'll forgive you, you're not an idiot your Spencer Hastings!" Aria said
"Thank you" I replied
"You're welcome and if you want I'll drive you to her house to talk to her" Aria stated
"Okay thanks oh and how did you know I was here?" I asked
"I know you as much as you know yourself" Aria answered smiling. Then we both got out of the car and switched places and drove to Emily's.
Once we got to Emily's house, we parked in her driveway and Aria asks "do you want me to come with you or should I just wait here?"
"Would you come?" I asked
"Of course that's what best friends are for" Aria replied smiling.
"Okay thanks, let's go" I said and with that we both got out of the car and went to Emily's door. Aria stayed a little behind me so I walked up and knocked on the door.

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