🦋Yuji Itadori [nightmares]

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• fluff to make you feel better (i hope^^)

• picture from the Jujutsu Kaisen anime


Nightmares have been hunting you since quite a while now and your lack of sleep had a strong impact on your work. It was nearly impossible for you to keep up with your fellow sorcerers and you had to cancel more and more missions because you were so tired. Everybody noticed how hard you were fighting against falling asleep whenever you did show up somewhere. It was frustrating. Especially since you loved your job as a jujutsu sorcerer and you loved clearing up missions, helping people and just be around your friends. But in the state you were in right now it was a miracle you hadn't just fallen asleep during work.

Your fellow students were dead worried about you and probably even more angry about themselves, since they couldn't figure a way to help you, than you were with yourself. And even though you knew you should probably go see a doctor you couldn't bring yourself to do so. You hated going there, it made you feel weak. As you were about to go to sleep tonight you heard someone knock on your door and you told them to come in.

It wasn't a surprise that Yuji was the one standing in the doorframe. He was your boyfriend after all. As you just realised that you smiled widely.

But it was still unusual for him to visit you that late at night. "Hey, how are you?" He asked with his typical smiley face. "Tired, as always." You replied. "Is something the matter, love?" He looked to the ground after you've asked that question. A slight blush covered his face and he seemed rather abashed. It was silent for a quick moment then he apparently found the words he was seeking for:

"I have thought for a while now about asking you, if you would want to sleep with me?" Your eyes widened at his sudden request. You definately had not expected that. As he realised the mistake he made he fastly said, even though it was more a stutter than a proper sentence : "Oh no... no no no. I-I didn't mean in that way!" He held his hands up in defense. You chuckled at him. He's just way too cute. "I meant like... ehm... you know-" "Next to each other?" You chimed in. His head turned red as a tomato as he looked into your eyes and nodded anticipating an answer.

"Come here you dumbass." You spread out your arms and he literally sprung onto the bed hugging you tightly as he snuggled his face into your neck.
"Why do you always smell so nice?" Yuji seemed to dig his face a little deeper into the crook of you neck as he mumbled those words. You put your arms around him and placed a kiss on his head. "Thank you, but it's just my shampoo" you giggled. His head shoot up and your eyes meet his golden ones. "You smell nice all the time!" He almost pouted as he spoke those words and you smiled at him sweetly. He looked so pure in this moment you couldn't believe he was already a high schooler. But he was and you knew his serious side too. You knew all his facettes and you loved each of them. "Thank you Yuji. Do you know how cute you are when you stick out your lips like that?" He fastly turned his gaze to the side and muttered ashamed: "I don't. And I'm not cute either."
"You are."
"I'm not."
"You are."
"You are absolutely adorable!" You insisted and pinched his cheecks. He loved it. But he hated to admit it.

"Fine. Maybe a little, but you are way cuter!" "Alright, alright." You chuckled and he laid back down. A little lower than before. His head rested on your chest and now you were the one blushing. He placed his hands at the sides of your body exactly where your breast ended and a prickling sensation spread from there through your whole body. He squeezed them a little to make himself more comfortable. You had no clue how to react. The embarrasment mixed with that tingly feeling absolutely confused you.

The playful atmosphere had turned into something totally different way too fast for you to figure what to do. Yuji seemed to notice and chuckled at your defenslessness: "You still get so mortified when I do that." He surely did not hide his amusement about you blushing so hard. Staring at your face he downright seemed to enjoy it. "Don't look at me like that!" You scoffed and turned away. "Like what?" Now Yuji was teasing and he knew exactly that he was. He loved it. As much as he loved making Megumi angry he loved teasing you. Probably even a little more.

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