The lost Kingdom - Kappas Trauma

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3rd pov

Kappa and Siren had just left the others when they came across the old kingdom Kappa and the evil witches came across. "Hey maybe we could stay there for now, do you think they'll let us in?" Siren said, pointing to the kingdom. Kappas shoulders drooped as he remembered what happened there. One of his first prophecies, he had to slowly torture himself by cutting his scales off one by one. If he hadn't, the kingdom would die off and thats exactly what happened. He felt terrible for letting them all die, but as a young child he couldn't bear the pain. Of course Siren didn't know of this place, and thought it was just a normal castle. "They'll let us in.." Kappa said grimly.

He recalled who now lived there, queen Nee and the others. Siren noticed he seemed upset, but ignored it because he trusted that if Kappa needed anything he would say so. "Let's go then! I need some food before I starve to death." Siren said. They approached the castle, memories flooding Kappa's mind left and right. When they walked in they were greeted by Queen Nee, who was ecstatic to see Kappa finding his way back to visit them. "Kappa!! Holy Barnacles are you okay? I heard you defeated lord ogo! It must have been hard. Are you sure you should be here? Last time you passed out, have you been making progress on saying no to prophecies?" Queen Nee rambled, not even realizing Siren was there. Siren was wondering what she meant by him Passing out. Kappa eventually got Queen Nee to calm down and she realized Siren was there. "Oh hi Siren? How are you?" She said. Siren unironically giggled since she obviously didn't care as much about him. "I've been doing okay." Siren said. "Can we stay here for a day or two? We need to recuperate after our fight.." Nee and Siren noticed Kappa wasn't as chipper as usual. "Oh um.. are you sure this place is good for you Kappa?" Queen Nee said quietly. "Yea, I can manage.." Kappa said just as quietly. Siren seriously thought something was wrong, and wanted to confront him about it. As soon as Siren was about to say something, a man with Long, dark brown whiskers approached Kappa. "Beacon! I praise what you've done for us!" King Whisk then started touching Kappa's face with his whiskers which Kappa obviously didn't appreciate. "U-Um, please sto-" Kappa said, before being interrupted. "Say! Could you offer hair to the Hair theives? Oh why am I asking, of course you would you're the beacon! Come come." King Whisk said, grabbing Kappa and attempting to drag him. Siren grabbed Kappa's hand and stopped him. "Kappa wouldn't like to go. It seems he already did your prophecy, you have no right to request more." Siren said, in a strict tone. "I believe you have nothing to do with this Shark. The beacons job is to satisfy the people who have needs, he can't say no." King whisk said. With that Siren was fuming, he bit his whisker and ripped it off of Kappa. He then took Kappa into and Embrace and backed up. "Leave him alone." Siren said, quietly. Queen Nee was furious and demanded the WhiskerFin left at once.

Queen Nee showed Kappa and Siren to their room. Unfortunately, the same room that Kappa stayed in years ago. "Kappa.. what's wrong?" Siren said sweetly. With this Kappa broke his act and burst into tears "The people that lived here died because of me Siren! I had to cut all my scales off to let them live but I couldn't!! They died because I left." Kappa said, mumbling. Siren was taken aback but pulled Kappa into a loving hug. "Love, you couldn't keep cutting off your own scales for them to live. You physically couldn't and that's okay. It isn't your fault." Siren said in a soothing voice. Kappa continued crying and shaking in his arms. "It hurt so much Siren, there was so much blood and it didn't stop for a whole two months.. I was only 10." Siren hated seeing him sad, and he hated that he had to go through all these traumatic things just for others happiness. "You never have to do anything like that for anyone again. You decide what to do when it comes to prophecies." Siren said, giving Kappa reassurance. "It's happened more than once. Me being harmed for a prophecy, even just the death threats I receive for trying to say no. It hurts." Siren wanted to kill anyone that hurt him, but he wouldn't. "I'll be there to protect you next time Kappa, I promise." They then hugged until Kappa fell asleep. Siren tucked him into bed and then crawled next to him, cuddling up. Siren couldn't believe how much he didn't know about Kappa, he decided he'll find out as much as possible about him over the next few weeks. Through the bad and the good, he'll be there.

Second chapter!! Hope you liked it.

848 words

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