Chapter XVI: Love or just desire?

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Mozart puts himself in front of me to stop me from opening the door.

—You can't go like this! -he roars in a serious tone- Listen to me, Kailey. I know how you're feeling, but the orders he gave us were to take care of you here, at least until the boss changes the rules. -he tries to make me understand with a calmed voice. However, it's not enough to me.

—I don't give a fuck about what your boss has ordered you to do! -I say upset- I'm a 25 years old woman demanding to be let out right now, or I'll denounce all of you for kidnapping me -I claim in a command tone.

Freckles interrupts our argument, stepping himself right next to Mozart.

—Kailey, it's not just an order from the boss, we really don't want anything bad happen to you, Laurent is seriously a dangerous guy. And to be honest, we're very fond of you, let's try to understand among ourselves, let's not make this job something hard -he alleges as he bonds his hands as a gesture of begging.

Freckles words sound very convincing, as I genuinely think they are true, I'm very fond of this weird couple too.

But... I can't keep going with this situation. I can't keep going to a skyscraper, falling in love with the heights and then fall beyond the ground.

—I understand you, guys. I wouldn't like you to get hurt either, but I'm asking you to let me out of here. I promise to take a plane right now and go to my old home. Laurent won't find me there. Trust me, please! -I beg, almost sobbing.

Both of them look at each other.

Freckles nods his head as an approval sign.

—Give us a minute...

Mozart pulls a cell phone out of his pants. He marks a number and after a few rings, it seems like someone is answering his call.

—We have a proposal! -Mozart says in a serious tone, he gives me a confusing look and proceeds to retire from the living room.

Subtitles are not necessary to know that he's speaking to his boss, so I don't know why I'm still waiting here. It's obvious Ethan won't allow me to get out of this place.

Freckles seems to be more on my side, so I could take these few moments to convince him from letting me out before Mozart comes back. However, the loyalty to his boss is unbreakable...

I was thinking about a plan to run away, but then Mozart comes out of one of the rooms to talk to me.

—You may leave -he says coldly.

—What? Can I really leave? -I ask surprised.

—Yes! I already spoke to the boss, you must go to the airport today, but only with one condition -he asseverates with seriousness- the boss will take you there...

I don't want to have anything to do with Ethan Cooper anymore. However, it seems I don't have any choice. I'd really love to say farewell to Aaron, he has been my unconditional support during my short stay in this city, but knowing that he must still be mad with me, I choose not.

This is all happening so fast that I haven't had enough time to analyze anything at all.

I will travel, take a few days to reflect and then go back to put Laurent behind the bars. Yes! That's what I'm going to do...

—Thank you, guys! -I embrace the dynamic duo.

—Take care, Little Fierce! -they say at the same time.

I head up to the hotel's exit, and upon there was Ethan in front of me with his Panamera Porsche. He gives me a confusing smile and then opens the co-pilot's door. He makes me a gesture to get in.

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