Chapter 1

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"So, where did he want us to meet again?" Kunimi mumbles. Kindaichi sighs and nudges him from the backseat. "That's the 6th time you've asked that now, you know." Iwaizumi pinches the bridge of his nose and mutters under his breath, "This would have been a lot easier if he just gave us the postcode and not the fucking directions." Matsukawa eases on the brakes, coming to a red light and laughs. "Relax, we're almost there," he says.

"Almost there and late," he snaps back. Makki pops his head from the back seat and snickers. "Aw, someone's eager to see their husband." Iwaizumi swings back, but Makki moves just in time. The lights turn green, and Matsukawa steps on the gas, causing everyone to fly backwards. He feels everyone's glare on him, and he smirks. "Whoops," he says unapologetically.

They finally arrive at the location and knock on the door. The door opens to Oikawa giving everyone a dirty look. "You're late," he scolds. Iwaizumi pushes him aside and enters the house, and everyone else follows. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he scoffs, but something catches his attention. He notices someone walking around in the kitchen humming to themselves. He tries to get a peek at who it was until Oikawa snaps him out of his trance.

"Like it's my fault I didn't send the postcode, you could have asked," he retorts. "Can we just sit down?" Kunimi groans. "After I get an apology." "You're not getting one," Iwaizumi replies. "Let's argue while we sit down, okay?" Kunimi repeats while barging between the two to the living room. "You know this isn't your house," Oikawa scolds more and follows him. Kindaichi sighs but follows the others with Iwaizumi. They all sit down, and Oikawa scans the room. "Wait, I thought Makki and Mattsun were coming too?"

"Yeah, they dropped us here," Kindaichi explains. "That's odd," Iwaizumi ponders. Kunimi lays himself on the couch and points out the door. "They went to the other room, to the left." Iwaizumi furrows his brows, and Oikawa springs up and races to the kitchen.

"Aw, you're too sweet," you laugh and press save on Matsukawa's phone. You were about to hand the phone back until Oikawa burst through the door. "Y/n, what are you doing?!" he shouts. You hand the phone back, and Makki's hand slips away from your hip. Oikawa grabs Matsukawa's phone and sees your number on the screen. "WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS?!" he yells. "Chill, I gave it to them," you raise your voice back.

Iwaizumi walks into the room, and Matsukawa grabs his phone back, trying not to let a smile play on his face. "They offered to help with my art project," you explained, and his jaw dropped. "THEY CAN'T EVEN HOLD A PENCIL TO SAVE THEIR LIVES," he yells, and you hold a finger to his mouth. "It's not a drawing, and they offered to help, especially when I actually needed it. Calm down."

The two give each other a fist bump and smile innocently when Oikawa watches them. "Anyways, let us know if you need help with anything else," Makki finally says, and Matsukawa smiles at you. He heads out of the room, and Makki follows, after running his hand across your waist to 'get by' you. You laugh as the two head out of the room. "Are you serious right now?" Oikawa speaks. You ignore him and find a certain set of eyes staring at you.

Iwaizumi jumps a bit at your sudden connection with him, and you stare at him for a bit. "You're Iwa, right?" you ask him. He glances at Oikawa and clears his throat. "Yeah, Iwaizumi," he says, and you smile. "I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Tooru's older sister." "Older by one year," Oikawa mutters. He stares at you, and your name slips out of his mouth. "Oh, so you do still remember me!" you laugh out. Oikawa notices his flustered state and shakes his head.

"Anyways, I'll let you guys know when the food is ready, so in the meantime, get out," you finally say before turning back around. The two head back out and sit down with the others. Oikawa notices Makki and Mattsun smiling while scrolling through something on their phones. "So, how come your sister is here?" Kindaichi asks. "I promised that when I came back from Brazil, I'd visit her, so I'm staying with her for a bit," he sighs out.

He makes an 'oh' shape with his mouth and nods his head. There was a bit of silence, and Makki spoke up. "You have a nice sister," he says. Oikawa sighs. "She's okay, I guess." "She seems great," Mattsun adds, and the two start giggling to themselves. Oikawa's eyebrow perks up, and he heads over to see what they were doing. "LEAVE HER INSTAGRAM ALONE," he yells some more.

You later walk into the room with bowls of food and place them on the tables. "Here we are~," you say, and everyone thanks you. You were about to leave the room but remember something. "Oh yeah, I'm heading out to grab a few drinks for everyone, so I'll be back in a bit." They cheer, and you leave the room laughing. The atmosphere starts becoming lively. You grab your keys and were about to head out until you pop your head in through the door again. "Does anyone wanna come along?" you offer.

Before Oikawa even lets Makki or Mattsun put up their hands, he asks Iwaizumi to go. "I don't trust anyone else to go with her," he mumbles to Iwa. Iwaizumi follows you to the car, and soon enough, the two of you are heading off. "You're awfully quiet, aren't you?" you tease. His ears go a bit red, and you laugh at how tense he was. "Relax, I'm joking. I thought you'd be a bit more fun like those other two," you tell him while changing the gears.

He forces himself to relax and feels his pride hurt after you compared him to them. He doesn't know why it hurt him, but he starts to feel competitive. "There's a difference between fun and 'flirty,'" he corrects. You glance at him, and the corner of your lips slowly turn up at his response. "Oh really? And which one would you be, hm?" you ask, slowing down at a red light.

"Anything that's better than those two," he says and folds his arms.

You lick your lips and look at him. "Are you jealous because they got my number? Would you like mine too?" you tease again. "Do you want mine?" he replies. You pause a bit at his words, and he gives you eye contact. He raises his eyebrows for a response, and your smile grows. "I do," you reply. His hand moves up to your face and gently pushes it to look forward at the road. "Green means go," he teases back.

You press clutch and get ready to drive, and he speaks up again. "If you want it, then ask me for it again when we get back." "If you say so," you respond. "It's not if I say so, it's if you want it," he corrects you again. You glance at him again, and he pushes your face back to the road once more. At this point, you couldn't help but laugh. He feels himself getting flustered again but tries to keep his composure.

You indicate and turn into the car park. After spending some time getting drinks, you guys head back home. You open the door and head in while Iwaizumi carries the drinks. They're placed on the table, and everyone grabs their favorites. There were a few drinks left, and you start to head back upstairs. "You're not going to drink with us?" Kunimi offers. You shake your head and apologize. "Nah, I'm not good with my drinks, but I'll be up if you need me." You then face your brother and ruffle his hair. "Welcome back." You head up to your room, and Iwaizumi's eyes followed your hips.

He snaps out of it before anyone notices, but Mattsun and Makki already caught him and stared at him in a teasing manner. "My boy down bad," Matsukawa says first. "Down tremendously," Makki follows. Iwaizumi throws a cushion at the two, and they start laughing.

The night continues on, and it was starting to get a bit late. You head down to see how everyone was doing. "We all okay here?" you ask and the boys stare at you. You wore your pyjama shorts that gently hung low waisted with a tank top exposing a portion of your belly with socks. "Do you wanna play?" one of the guys said. "Play what exactly?" you ask. You rest yourself on the door frame, and Kunimi continues. "Truth or drink." You scrunch up at the idea of drinking, but you agree anyway. You get a non-alcoholic beverage for yourself and head back into the room. You grab a seat, and the game starts off.

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀𝙎 (𝙄𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍) 18+Where stories live. Discover now