fuckin uhhhh scrapped bit for fuckin whatever i end up naming it

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Izuku wasn't sure how to sum up his day, or the experience it had been overall.

He's always been like the midsummer rain-- so thick and humid, yet a fleeting, fickle thing that hummed against reinforced window sills and rotting blue wood.

He hummed against the windows of many- his mother's, who thought he was- is- dead, his ex-best friend's, who was still locked in 'denial', and of Eraserhead's, when he came to crash on the man's couch and deliver him blood, the apartment's window locks forever broken, never to be replaced.

The windows hummed with His rain, and His rain had reached many, no matter how tiny and fickle and small and meticulously placed, the rain that rattled windows on the rainy days that only he would remember. The days he'd slept well, that a nightmare hadn't been fanciful and he enjoyed the feeling of not being used to being energized by sleep, like a normal person.

But still, for as diligent he was, he hadn't known how to sum up his day.

Under the guise of Akatani Mikumo, a nonbinary child with dark, dark purple-black hair and red-magenta eyes and a minor healing quirk (Accelerated Healing, he'd written, and, oh, how he wished it was that simple), he had gone into the UA entrance exam.

He hadn't done much, and he was sure he'd be thrown into general studies and support, but that didn't really matter.

His brain felt fuzzy when he thought of it, his skin still burning from the cuts he'd of gotten, phantom pain fizzing and popping on his bandaged knuckles (he hadn't needed to wrap them- he never did- it just...). Being healed by Recovery Girl didn't feel right.

But, nevertheless, he blinked the bleary tiredness from his eyes and shrugged off the pain as he got up, pulling his shoulder-length hair into a tight, low ponytail. He still needed money- and he couldn't dwell on it for too long, too long meant death, and death was never fun- so here's to another day as a thought-to-be dead boy masquerading as a being who's never existed.

He had deliveries to make, and more scars to be added to his library of the already existing.

shit i didnt wanna put on ao3Where stories live. Discover now