Tony: Go ahead, Katniss...

Clint: *sigh* I was going for a walk, when I saw a creature sitting on a doorstep drinking out of a bowl of milk. It was eating food off the ground and licking it's fur. 

Y/N: A cat?


Y/N: You-

Clint: I cringed at how disgusting it was and went on with my day, but later I saw it behind me again. It had followed me! I need help getting rid of it!

Y/N: Send us a picture so we can identify it.

Clint: Okay...

Clint has added a photo to the chat 

Clint has added a photo to the chat 

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Steve: Clint, that's a person.

Tony: Great going Captain OBVIOUS!

Y/N: Why is there tape on her mouth?!

Clint: She wouldn't shut up!

Natasha: Add her to the chat.

Clint: Do I have to?

Natasha and Y/N: YES! 😠

Clint has added Kate

Kate: OMG! Hi! I'm Kate! You're the avengers! Holy shit, this is so freaking cool!

Tony: Yeah, totally dope. So kid, why are you following Clint around?

Y/N: And licking your...fur?

Natasha: And drinking out of bowls of milk?

Steve: and eating food off the ground?

Kate: Who told you that? I was just drinking a cup of coffee, because Starbucks is like my favorite coffee place ever! I was definitely not licking my fur, where the hell did that come from? And I was eating a breakfast sandwich in front of my apartment.

Y/N: Clint.

Clint: Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but she was still following me!

Kate: I mean, duh! Who wouldn't, you're the coolest Avenger!

Tony: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Natasha: Excuse me?

Steve: There goes all those years of saving Americas ass...and I don't mean my own.

Tony: ^and for gosh sakes, watch your language, mister!

Y/N: Kate, you seem really sweet, but maybe Clint just wants a little space?

Kate: Oh yeah! No, totally, I can do that! I can give you space! Sure...but ya' know. Since I already have all your phone numbers, I'm always here if you need me. Always.

Tony: Riiiighhhht...well if that's all, I gtg. Which reminds me, Y/N can you babysit Morgan?

Y/N: For you? No. But, I'll do it for Pepper, and because Morgan's a little bundle of joy. 🥰

Tony: harsh.

Tony has left the chat

Y/N has left the chat

Steve: Natasha, did you get the debriefing I sent you. For that mission?

Natasha has left the chat

Steve: Sorry Clint, gotta go hunt down a Russian spy.

Steve has left the chat

Kate: So Clint!

Clint: Ughhhh, WHAT?!

Kate: um. I was just wondering if you could, uh, sign my bow later.

Clint has left the chat

Kate: No? Totally cool.

Kate has saved this chat to downloads

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