Monday left me broken. Tuesday, I was through with hoping.

Start from the beginning

But when she made Sephiroth, she had vented to him. He couldn't betray her secrets and so she kept a diary in game. The NPCs didn't drop items when killed and no one could make it to this floor anyway. The only person outside of her who could access his inventory was Momonga and he had more respect than that. So Sephiroth became her most trusted confidant and keeper of her diary.

"Here you go, Seph." Carisimmi sighed while handing over the diary. The moment he touched it, the book disappeared in a cloud of pixels. Each new word was immediately painted into his mind. Worry filled him as he processed today's entry.

Ken Kamado was getting out on good behavior?


Sara had been rather self destructive in GIRL during her career. Not in the "I do stupid things with no regard" mind you, but in the "I'm gonna finish this tour even though I just broke my ankle because people are counting on me" destructive. Her previous desire to be loved by all had evolved into something more clingy as she feared being a burden while craving any attention she could get.

This trait was present in Carissimi as well, her determination to not fail Momonga and take care of the Tomb as she promised driving her. Even if Sebas was currently trying to urge her back to bed. "M'lady, I must ask that you rest. It's only been an hour since you fell asleep and it may be for the best if you took the day off." Carisimmi just shook her head negative as she sat and looked at her butler. He'd changed into a clean suit at some point, his form immaculate as usual.

"I simply can't, Sebas." Carisimmi said as she pulled the sheets from her naked form. She had expected to feel some discomfort from dried sweat and slick, but her skin was free of the fluids. A soft blush painted her cheeks when she realized Sebas had bathed her while she was asleep. She could smell the faint scent of vanilla on her skin and in her hair. Carisimmi averted her eyes shyly at the idea of the butler washing her most intimate areas. "Um... Thank you for bathing me, Sebas." She said softly. "I understand your concern but as a Supreme Being, I have my responsibilities to the Tomb.

Long legs swung over the edge of the bed and carried the angel to the closet. Her wings wrapped loosely around her body to hide her nakedness as she made her way to the doors, feeling especially shy after everything that happened that morning. Her heart dropped at the sight of a certain dress but she managed to keep herself focused on the task of getting dressed for the day. Carrisimi hummed absentmindedly as she looked through the many dresses she had. She could hear Sebas walking in, no doubt to help her.

"Should I ask for a maid to be assigned to me?"

Even though her thoughts were private, Carisimmi couldn't help but feel guilty. Sebas has been nothing but kind and she dared to even consider having a maid assigned to her. Her right hand came up to stroke her ring finger in a habit she thought she'd long abandoned.

"Hey, Sebas?" She called out shyly while looking over her shoulder at her butler. "Why don't you pick out something for me to wear?" Her smile was gentle as she coveted all of her trust into that tiny little action. Trust that was much shakier beneath the surface than even she knew.

"Me, m'lady?" Sebas asked in surprise even as he walked over to her and looked at the clothes before her. Carisimmi felt small as he stood over, their height difference so much more evident without her heels. Sebas looked critically at the selection of clothes she was standing before her before choosing a dress. "This one, mlady." He chose a caped, medieval style dress with wide sleeves. The bodice was cut low enough to be considered appropriate but would still expose a generous amount of her breast. Carisimmi blushed at the subtle reminder that she was still naked. "A lovely choice, Sebas." She said as he stepped back to allow her to turn and face him.

To Drown in SandWhere stories live. Discover now