chapter 2

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                       Lucas pov
     I don't understand all i could think about is just that girl at the club...i can't seem to get her off my mind,i went to bed embracing my lonely life i began to count imaginary sheeps...hoping to fall asleep.

In the morning the maids came to bathe me as usual then i noticed something unusual about one of the maid she was weak and pale,i knew one of the guards had taken blood from her in my absence,i told my messenger to summon the guards to the executing room and i called the maid,while pointing at the straight line the guards had formed i ask her"who among the guards took blood from you?"
All the guards was trembling,after some seconds she finally pointed the culprit,he knelt down immediately and began to beg for his life,his pleading was starting to irritate me with my fast reflexes i approach him and use my fingers to cut his throat the room became silent.

I needed to set an example i don't like my maids being weak and i don't support any other vampire in the kingdom taking blood from them.

I set off to the club hoping i would see the girl with ocean eyes but all i could see was me being surrounded with h*rlots
  A dark haired girl approach me and by her looks i knew she is human but what would a human be doing in night creatures club
She sat opposite to me"hey handsome"i didn't reply her then she called my attention again
"You know it's pretty cold out here can we go to one of the rooms so we can warm each other;) "obviously i knew she was actually flirting with me and she was quite drunk i could smell alcohol on her...
I stood up and she followed me to one of the rooms she began to pull her clothes and i was filled with bloodlust i pinned her against the wall she thought i was going to kiss her but i smirk and my fangs enlongated her eyes widen then i sank my fangs into her neck she began to scream for help but it only made me want to bite her more after some minutes i sucked her dry and she slump.
I went to the castle disappointed i didn't find the girl with ocean eyes,i went to my art room and i made a drawing of her looking beautiful and innocent.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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