I Was In The Dark

61 3 2

cw: Alcohol 

Janus nearly jumped out of surprise at  Roman's comment.
'I trust you.'

That played in his mind for a minute before realizing he left Roman in the quiet.

"Okay, hand me your mug."
Roman slowly handed over his mug.
His mind was focused on Janus's hands as it was handed to him.

Janus gave a quick half smile before over correcting himself and going back to the stoned, cold look on his face.
He was sure Roman didn't notice, but unbeknownst to him Roman had.

Roman responded to Janus's unusual kindness by giving him a thankful nod and a smile back.

Janus stood up and headed toward the kitchen. "You may start the movie over if you want."

Roman awkwardly shifted in his seat, realizing that his foot was asleep.
"You sure?" He paused. "I know how it ends it's okay if we continue watching it from where you are. Janus gave a slight chuckle. One Roman had never heard. Roman wouldn't admit to himself that he thought it was cute.

"I'm gonna be up for a while, start it over Roman." Roman responded with a quick "Okaaayy." 
And proceeded to grab the remote and start the movie over.

Janus carefully brought the water in the pot to a boil, allowed it to cool, added tea leaves to the mug and filled it a little more than half way with the water, allowing the tea to steep. 

"Would you like any milk?" Janus called out to Roman, of who was engrossed in the movie.  

Roman replied with a quick, "Yes please, and some sugar as well!" Roman was just as surprised as Janus at how polite he was being. Usually the only times that they communicate is when criticizing or bickering at each other.

So, for Janus, it was a nice change of pace. Roman can be calm and collected if he wanted to be. 

Carefully Janus fished out the tea leaves, added a splash of milk and three teaspoons of sugar. 

As Janus was putting the milk back, he noticed a large bottle of wine in the back. He picked it up and examined it. Red wine, with the tag slightly worn off, but the alcohol percentage was very clear, 14%. Janus swift fully picked up the wine bottle and called out to Roman as he began to fix himself a glass. "Roman, would you like some wine?" 

When Roman didn't answer, Janus looked over at the couch to see Roman mouthing along to the lines in the movie. Janus smiled. If Roman wasn't so annoying it'd almost be cute. 

He looked over at the clock and it read '2AM'. Janus sighed and figured he wasn't gonna sleep at all tonight. He poured a second glass of wine just in case Roman wanted some, and carefully grabbed the mug as well. He placed both the mug and the wine glass next to an unaware Roman. "I made you some wine as well if you'd like to partake." Roman jumped a little bit and when he realized it was Janus he tensed up, a tiny bit embarrassed. Roman didn't completely trust the other side, but still didn't want to be rude so with a slight nod he mouthed 'thanks', and continued to watch the film. 

Janus walked back into the kitchen to grab his glass, but not before pouring a little bit extra in it. He needed to get drunk if he had to deal with Roman tonight. 


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