Fourth Times A Charm

Start from the beginning

"What happened exactly? You could have just called me earlier so I didn't wait there for 40 minutes."

"Uh, there was this electrical cut off. I don't know what happened but, Ray and I were down stairs and we couldn't work the elevator. So we couldn't come back up to get out. I couldn't call because there was no reception down there. I'm sorry you were waiting for so long..."

"Oh wow. Is everything alright now?" I asked, yeah I'd say that's a good enough excuse...

"Yeah everything finally started working again like five minutes ago, the first thing I did when we got out was call you." I smiled a little at that.

"Ok well at least everything's all good now."

"Yes, and to make it up to you, are you free to see that movie tomorrow maybe?" He asked.

"Is there a chance of a power outage at work tomorrow?" I joked.

"Well- there actually might be, but I'll stand clear of down stairs. Deal?" 

"Yeah, deal." I felt a lot better, "Ok well I'm going to head off to bed now."

"Oh yeah it's pretty late. So I'll see you tomorrow at five?"

"Sounds great."

- - - - - - - - -

"Seriously? Again!?" I huffed in frustration. Guess what? Henry didn't show up again. I've been waiting for half an hour, and I'm just about ready to go home, open some ice-cream, cry a bit and go to sleep.

I tried to call Henry again- voicemail again, "Ok... so I'm going to go home now ok? Bye." I was just pissed off. I doubt there was another electrical shortage. I was about to go home but I decided that I wanted to see the movie so, Henry or no Henry, I'm going in to watch this thing. 

So I did. I cried three times, twice was because of Henry but once was because the dog died... 

I headed home, turned my phone on silent, and went to bed.

The next day I was in my living room watching tv when there was knocking at the front door. I got up and opened it to see Henry on the other side. I looked at him with a blank expression.

"Y/n! I-"


"I'm so sorry, there was a robbery at the store and this dude took all the cash from the register, and Ray was really pissed because I was supposed to be watching it but I didn't and-"

"Henry. I don't really feel like talking about it right now can you come back later?" I cut him off, these excuses were getting annoying, and this isn't the first few times he's missed stuff. It's happened too many times to count, and every time it mattered he had another excuse. I was too tired and angry to listen to this one.

"No please. Y/n. I really, really like you. And I really want this date. I'm so angry at myself that all this stuff happened right at the wrong moment and I'm really sorry." He apologised, "Please just give me one more chance. Just one." He begged. 

I sighed and silently scolded myself for giving in so easily, but I said, "Fine. Only because your mum makes really good chilli balls." A smile split across his face.

"Yes! Thank you!"

"So what do you wanna do, I'm sorry but I ended up watching the movie by myself last night." I apologised.

"Oh yeah that's understandable I've been the worst boyf- uhh- date. So I get it. Was it good?"

"It was alright. But the first movie was better." I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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