"What? How are you supposed to do all your--" Abby stopped for a second trying to figure out what her stepsister was trying to ask her.

"I need you to help me out with the wedding. I have everything planned out. All you have to do is check out the places and make sure he agrees with me. Then book whatever it is. Look I know you will do a good job."

Abby sighed deeply. She wasn't sure she wanted to take on such responsibility. "What if you don't like what we choose. I don't want to be the cause for an unhappy bride. Maybe you shouldn't get married yet."

"Abby! I want to get married. I love him...he's my soul mate. He does come off as a jerk at first, but, he's amazing. Please." Tiffany's hands were in prayer form and she was pouting like a scolded child.

Abby was never important when she came to California. This was her chance to do something special. To show her father that she wasn't a child anymore and she could do things for herself. Well...for her sister. She was skeptical about the whole thing. The last time she'd been offered to be a part of something important; was when Katherine had her little sex party. Abby had been excited to participate, until she found herself holding dildos and showing their functions all night.

"I promise there are no dildos involved!" Tiffany grinned as if she knew what her stepsister was thinking.

The two woman laughed. "Ok, but what about your mother? I can't do things if she is going to always contradict me and get in my way. I mean that with all the respect I have for you guys."

Tiffany smiled wide and gave Abby a startling hug. "I knew I could count on you. My mother is a bit complicated, but I will try my best to keep her out of your way." She gave Abby another hug and ran off to finish getting ready.

Abby sat there thinking about what she had just agreed to do. She didn't even know the groom. He would be a complete stranger she'd spend the next two weeks with. The things you get yourself into Abigail!" She told herself and went back to setting up with everyone else.


The guests had already arrived and were all seated. Abby sighed with relief, she wasn't on wedding planning duty yet, but she already felt the pressure. Tiffany and Annie both stood next to her. They were both in short tight dresses, with their hair done and their shiny accessories.

"We did it! Thanks girls...really it means a lot to me."

Annie and Abby both answered at the same time, "You're welcome."

"I'm nervous just looking at all those people out there. I'm really getting married and you guys get to meet him tonight. You're gonna love him."

Annie just watched as the people slowly walked in and Tiffany greeted them warmly. "She's so damn lucky! My dad is spending so much money on her for this dumb wedding that isn't even going to last." She rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Oh come on! She's a good person. She's not even close to being horrible like her mother. Don't be so envious."

"I AM NOT!" Annie glared at her younger sister. "Why don't you go get dressed. You look like shit!"

She ran up the stairs and into her room where she found a flat silver box with a big red bow on it. Quickly she opened it and out she scooped a red dress. A little note fell to the floor and she picked it up and began to read.

Dear Abby,

This note is to thank you for always treating me like I'm part of your family, even if I'm not your real sister. I took the liberty of writing this note and getting you this beautiful dress to thank you for accepting to help me with my wedding. You are going to do a great job.

Thank you,


She folded the note and placed it in her drawer and quickly tried the dress on. It was a perfect fit. Excitedly she twirled around and looked in the mirror, then pushed her feet into her heels and headed out to enjoy the party.

People were sitting at the tables eating their dinner. Some were clustered around the bar having conversations. Tiffany and Annie were surrounded by girls gushing about wedding plans, engagement rings and future husbands. Abby was sure she didn't want to join in on that conversation, so she decided to get a drink.

"Man being here reminds me of being single and getting laid by the bridesmaids." AJ grinned waiting for his beer.

Brian smacked him in the head, "Yeah! I remember that! You did my cousin in my momma's kitchen, of all places."

"I couldn't help it! She was a fre--" Brian gave AJ a deadly glare and he shut up right away.

"I don't even know half these people." Nick sighed as the bartender handed each of the guys a Corona and they lingered around the bar. "This makes me kinda nervous..."

AJ moved his glasses lower on his nose as he checked out the girl leaning forward behind Nick. "Wow she has a rack!" He muttered motioning with his head for Nick to take a look.

She leaned over talking and smiling with the bartender. He handed her the beer and she thanked him. She turned around and leaned her back against the bar, her elbows placed on the counter. Just as Nick turned to look at the rack that had AJ in a trance, the woman moved her hair out her face and looked up at Nick.


"Funny how you say my name like you know me!"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

She placed a hand on her hip and placed the beer on the counter. "I should ask you the same question. You are the last person I thought I would see here."

"I see you still have your panties in a bunch."

"I see you're still a complete asshole."

"I'm gonna walk away now..."

A squeal broke their bickering and they both turned to find Tiffany all smiles. "O...em...G" She pounced on Nick and kissed him all over his face. Nick's eyes were still on Abby who stood hands on hips and a startled, yet angry look on her face. "Nick this is my sister, Abby. Abby this is my soulmate, Nick!"

She smiled her eyes shifting back and forth from Nick to Abby. The twosome were still glaring at each other.

"Fuck!" Nick muttered, hearing the guys behind him snickering.

Just One KissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora