Chapter 1: Confession

Start from the beginning


No answer



“Morning, sleepy head. What are you doing? It’s the last day of school”- Auran looked at Stella’s sleepy face on the phone screen, smiling. “You not gonna leave me to those knucklehead at school, right?

“Hmm? Oh Auran…morning….” Stella answer in a sleepy voice and rubbed her eye. “What time is it?”

“6:00 am, the ceremony begins at 7” Auran shook his head “Hurry up, we’re late”

“What’s the point? It’s just a ceremony” Stella yawned “I mean I’m gonna miss it anyway, like always”

“Oh come on, just for today. Auran used his puppy eye “I'll buy you chocolates. Pretty please?”

Stella knows that she can’t refuse anything that Auran request, he even offered chocolates. Stella is a big fan of chocolates!

“Well….i guess 1 day wouldn’t hurt” Stella giggled “Give me 5 minutes ok? No peeping”

            “Yes ma’am” They both laughed

            Auran hung up the phone and wait patiently outside. His memory slowly drifts back to him. Auran and Stella are childhood friend, they were born on the same day, same times but 1 year different. Ever since the 5 years old Stella moved to Myrendel, the 6 years old Luminious twins has been attach with her like shadows. They love to play Hide and seek; a game which Ignis always wins because of his detective skill and because Stella always hide where Auran is. She always clings to Auran and pouts when Ignis found them. Thing haven't change 12 years later, they still play the same game every Sunday; Ignis still win and Stella still clinging on Auran and pout everytime she got caught. To Ignis, Stella is his only sister, sometimes he even call her his own “little kitty” much to the little Stella's dismise. To Auran, however, she's more than that. He wants to be something greater than that- a boyfriend. He has a colossus crush toward Stella for 5 years now but he never tells her anything. Today, he thought, will be his chance. He bought her favorite flower too. Girls like flower right? This has got to work!

            “Hey, thanks for waiting.” Stella opened the gate and smiled at Auran “How do I look?”

            Auran's cheek turned red, Stella looks exceptionally beautiful today. She wore an angel style dress that he gave to her as a gift on Valentine 2 years ago. The white silk dress was well crafted with flower pattern hanging around her waist. On the back there are 2 distinct wings pattern which resemble a Valkyrie’s wing. Below that beautiful wing is Auran’s word “To our little angel-Stella”. He remembered Ignis’s face when he saw that line, it’s one of those annoying face people give to you when they know you have a crush on someone, and Ignis is the king of those faces. Stella spin around once to impress Auran, her dress  spread like a blooming lotus while her hair flying in the air resemble that of a river. Auran almost fainted from the overload amount of beauty from her.

            “You….you look…great” the boy stuttering, trying to hide his red face

            “Hm~~” Stella spout a bit “Just great?”

            “I…I mean…you look beautiful!”

            Stella giggles from Auran’s embarrassment. She walk up to Auran, hold his hand and drag him out of his own world. The boy can only smile back at the angel. They walk together to school, holding hand. They were both silence, no one decide to talk but just tighten their hand as if they afraid the other person going to run away. They always do this, but today Auran felt uneasy; he’s going to confess to his childhood friend. If that isn’t embarrassing enough then this hand-in-hand thing will blow his head away any second. But, deep inside his heart, he’s really happy about it.

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