First Contract

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It was an easy gig. A place to set up, a target, a time, an address, an escape, and then the last payment. Though the handling of this one seemed... particular. The contact from the client had caught his eye.

After years of obediently serving under the finger of the people who run England from behind the scenes, (Formerly Colonel) Sebastian Moran made the audacious plan to take everything he could from the backwards bastards sitting on their thrones of money and run. He had the resources from the very same people to go into hiding and eventually find the freelance work he does now. He was well traveled by the time he ended up back in London. It had been long enough and his back-door correspondence to a certain member of the British government allowed him to take work in the country.

26 year old Sebastian was set up in a plain flat in the city for a few months at this point. It was bare of anything homey; the walls were beige and white, the furniture seemed to have been cheap even for their original era of creation. Just a mattress on a metal frame and a small metal nightstand with a white lamp on top of it's glass flat top was in the bedroom. Under the bed had small cases for ammo, fire arms, and various military grade tricks, all locked of course. Nothing dawned the shelves in the narrow kitchen except bottles of whiskey with glasses to match, a deli sandwich, and ice cream. Small inconspicuous emergency ambush weapons were cleverly disguised in a handful of locations. Connected to the kitchen was a slim room with a small white circle table with one simple chair to coincide. The flat had wonderful historically trimmed windows that made the place seem less dreary and forgotten about.

Happy to get out of the endlessly quiet environment, Moran had headed out for the days job. He found himself stuck in a varying range of dangerous thinking while sitting alone in that flat, it was something he was trying to shake on the way to his set up point.

Casually traveling with the sniper separated into parts in a suitcase, he managed to pass through the publics peripherals and just like instructions said, the emergency exit of an office buildings stairwell was unlocked and the light outside was off. It was nearing the evening and his entrance was unnoticed under the cloud covered sky.

Halfway between floor 63 and floor 64, he set up, connecting each of the pieces together. Between the scope, the barrel, the silencer mods, and setting up the mag, Sebastian's mind was settling into work mode. There's a certain dark flame in a persons soul that reflects in the eyes in a situation like this. It's almost animalistic and yet highly decorated in elite training. He checked the time, 10 minutes until the target was going to exit a back alley almost a mile away. He was surprised by the distance requested but the client must have seen or heard about his file, knowing he was one of very few for the job. He wasn't the military's golden boy for no reason. They must know something about his young and odd reputation. Beyond the distance, once he narrowed it down, this spot had a perfect pin point view all the way to the back door of what seemed to be a private club, that the target was to exit. It was though the city view into the Chelsea area that he could see as he settle into position.

One minute. He inhaled slowly and cocked a bullet into the chamber. The indescribable feeling that starts to burn in ones core and taints the senses started to fizzle within the soldier. In the face of death again, everything happens in the blink of an eye. A slender, sleek older gentleman in a suit had exited the doorway and stepped into the unlit alley before sparking a cigarette. He let the man inhale and exhale the sweet taste of the first breath in an overdue smoke, reveling in the heavy atmosphere before exhaling himself... click.

The silent shot was over with as it had zipped almost two miles through the air, entering through the targets left eye and out the back of his head. The body dropped, the cigarette casted sparks upwards before being left to burn out on the ground. Sebastian took a second to observe the scene, looking over the body and the pooling blood under the head.

Spider at the Center of A Web (MORMOR)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora