The question has its answer

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(Setting: Kayla and Will's nice little home in summit valley)

Maxine: Mom, Dad! I have something to ask you

Kayla: Yes what is it?

Maxine: What did you and dad do as teens and how did you meet?

Will: oh dear...shall we tell her the funny story Kay?

Kayla's pov:

Did my daughter just ask what I think she just asked? Well, I hope our funny relationship pleases her. Well, what can I say? It is surprising.

Kayla: So my snowboarding team was having party and dad had quit snowboarding after an accident.

Maxine: what accident?

Will: I was at a competition trying to pull off a move I created, the cloud 9. I failed and nearly died. But good thing I survived or else I wouldn't have met your mom or met you!

Kayla: so then dad used to work at a kennel for dogs with grandma Andrea.

Maxine: what happened then?

Kayla: after the part, we saw your dad walking a costumer's dog and accidentally left his sled. ,y my ex boyfriend took it and got on it and told me to do the same. He fell off, and I broke the resort's sign. An officer told my parents and your dad and said I have to work with him at the kennel after school.

Maxine: I never new that happened...

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