Meeting the shane, the tournament begins

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Quick note, this takes place between episodes 2 and 3

A  white and blue Mecha was headed to Herringbone Cavern at high speeds, the rider of the mecha is Y/n L/n. Y/n is a 15 year old that has h/c hair and e/c eyes. He wears a black shirt with Seriously!? in red, blue pants and and black boots . He also wears a pair of black gauntlets a bandoleer.

After arriving at Herringbone, Y/n signed up for the slugslinging tournament held there. Soon the tournament began and Y/n was facing someone named Zack.

When he reached the arena, he saw his opponent standing on the other side of it with a arrogant smirk and with crossed arms.Either of them said a word until.


Zack fires Neotox at Y/n who easily dodged it, Y/n then fired his Negashade Yang. Yang used Shadowblak,  he creates ball of darkness around Zack, causing him to be unable to see or aim. Y/n then fired his white boon doc Isis who used her Medray to knock Zack on to his back. 

When Zack looked up, Y/n already has in front of him and had Yang loaded and aimed at him. Seeing no way out, he held up his hands in surrender.

Sorry about the short duel, it's my first time writing one 

"Winner, Y/n L/n is the winner." 

Due to his win, Y/n was able to pick a slug from his opponent's Arsenal. The Neotox Zack used earlier eagerly volunteered, he wasn't getting as much action as he liked.

"Welcome aboard, how you like the name of Erik?" Y/n asked his newest slug who nodded, liking the name.


As Y/n made his way to Scorched Sparks Cavern for the next round, he saw the Shane gang chasing down a fleeing crook. Deciding to help, Y/n fired Yang at the crook who used Shadowblak. This caused the crook to unable to see where's he's going and crashed into boulder.

 Yang flew back to Y/n and transformed back , leaving the Shane gang confused as Y/n had sped off before they could really see him.

Reaching Scorched Sparks Cavern, Y/n and the others were disappointed when they were informed that the tournament was canceled due a group of thugs causing too much damage.

Y/n then decided go on a slug hunt since the tournament was called off, he  found and recruited a Flaringo he named Flare and a Lavalynx he named Burn.

As Y/n got on his mecha , he was approached by a thug.

"Hey kid, hand over your slugs , or else."

"Like i'm supposed to take a bozo like you seriously? I suggest you scram ."

"Fine then, why not a bet? Those black and white slugs for these two." He said as he held up two slug tubes holding a red and yellow slug along with a blue and white slug.

Meanwhile not too far away, the Shane gang was looking for the one that helped them. They then saw that was going on.

"He needs help." Their leader Eli said, ready to jump in.


"What's wrong Trixie?" Eli asked.

"The two slugs the guy's betting, their a Firenzar and a Narwhaddle. Narwhaddles are the rarer versions of a Frostcrawler and are more powerful. And a Firenzar is even rarer then a Infurnus like Burpy." Trixie explained.

"And check out the kids mecha." The cave troll named Kord said. " I never seen one like it, i wonder who built it?"

"Yes, it is very nice. But Pronto thinks he's not given a chance to say no." The molenoid named Pronto pointed.

Back to Y/n, the thug is explaining the rules of the bet.

"Alright kid,  we each get to use three slugs each, but we can't use the slugs that was used in the bet."

"Fine, three is all i need anyways."

"You got confidence kid, let's see if it helps you." The thug said as he fired a Hop rock, a Rammstone and a Thresher in quick succession.

Rolling his eyes, Y/n mumbled a "how primitive" under his breath before dodging all three fired slugs with incredible ease before firing Erik. The Neotox hit the thug creating a cloud of green smoke, then it died down, the thugs gear began to rust.

"Uh oh." The thug said as his gear slowly became unusable. He then was hit head on by Flare, knocking him back.

Y/n then walked up to the downed thug, aiming at him with Burn loaded. "I told you three slugs is all i need."

The thug held his hands up in surrender, knowing he's been beat.

The Firenzar and Narwhaddle jumped out of the thug's slug tubes and to Y/n, both happy that their free from the former.

"Listen well, if i find you causing trouble for anyone again, i  guarantee that you won't like what happens, now scram."

The thugs fled with his tail between his legs, showing his true nature as a coward.

Y/n then looked at his two new slugs before he knelt down and held out his hand, they then jumped on his palm. "Welcome to the team you two, how you like the name of Natsu and Weiss?"

They nodded, liking their new names.

"That's impressive." Someone said from behind Y/n. This caused him to aim his blaster still loaded with Burn at them.

"Woah, easy there." Eli said while holding his hands up.

Looking at them closely he saw the Shane symbol on them, Y/n lowered his blaster but not his guard. "The Shane gang, what brings you here?" 

"We were looking for you actually." Eli said.

"Me? Why exactly?"

"First let's get introductions out of the way, I'm Eli, this are many friends, Trixie, Kord and Pronto."

"We were looking for the person that helped us." Trixie explained. "You fit the description someone tipped us about."

"They informed us about what you can do, we could't let someone with your abilities fall in Blakk's hands." Kord said.

"It's insulting that you think i'll work for a monster like Blakk." 

"That's not what Kord meant." Trixe said trying to calm Y/n down. "He means that once Blakk finds out about you, he'll be hunting you down."

"He can try, he'll find out the hard way i'm not an easy target."

"Still, we could you a guy like you on our team." Eli said. " What do you say? Up for being a pain in Blakk's butt?"

Y/n was silent as the thought about Eli's offer, Yang and Isis jumped on to his shoulder's and chirped. Having known them since he was born, Y/n could roughly understand what they were saying. He then turned to them.

"If my slugs trust you, so will i. Count me in."

"Great, welcome to the team." Eli said.

"Thanks, since we're a team now, i have something to show you guys."

Y/n's eyes glowed blue and a blue portal opened , as Y/n and his new team entered the portal. Y/n could only wonder what the future holds.

Y/n's slugs: Negashade (yang). White Boon Doc (Isis) , Neotox (Erik), Flaringo (Flare), Lavalynx (Burn) , Firenzar (Natsu), Narwhaddle (Weiss)

 Done and done, next time our heroes will learn more about Y/n and deal with one of Blakk's henchman. What will they learn? Read to find out. If you have a slug you want Y/n to have, tell me in the comments along with a name. But nothing rude or stupid.

Y/n's slugslinging  adventure,  wielder of the 12 elementsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant