Tears streamed down Flurry's face as she looked upon her father. Her mother then came behind her and used her magic to place her on her back. They ran off after the others as Fred and Shining planned their next course of action.

"What's the plan chief?" Shining asked Fred.

"Follow me," Fred responded.

The two raced toward another section of the yard where Fred pulled off an old tarp, revealing a very pristine motorcycle. Hoping upon the vehicle, he revved it to life and grabbed a helmet which he placed upon his head. Shining, getting the idea of where this was going, quickly used his magic to conjure his guard captain armor which appeared on his body in the blink of an eye. Fred drove the bike forward and grabbed for an old pipe to serve as his lance. Shining galloped behind him as they both emerged back toward the yard and stood across from the Black Knight.

This was the moment of truth for the young man and the stallion captain, the two staring down their foe like the scene of an old western standoff. Fred reached into his pocket and pulled out his old ascot, which he tied around his neck for luck. Then, the Black Knight charged forward on his horse at full speed and Fred revved off in his direction as well with Shining galloping alongside him. Shining shot off bolts of his magic toward the Black Knight, who expertly blocked them with his shield. As Fred and the Black Knight raced towards each other, they eventually zipped past each other with Fred's arm grazing against the lance. Fred quickly did a full donut with the bin and now faced the Knight again, as he rubbed his now sore shoulder.

"I got you buddy!" Shining told him.

Using his magic, he quickly patched Fred's arm, which now few like it was brand new.

"Thanks Shining," Fred thanked.


"We're almost inside!" Scrappy called out, racing forward.

"I can't leave Fred like this," Daphne frowned.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine," Cadance assured her. "I have faith in both him and my Shiny."

But despite the reassurance, Daphne simply pouted fearing for the life of someone very close to her. Her expression did not go unnoticed due to another curious alicorn in the room.

"Wow... they really do love each other," Twilight smirked.

"Gee, what was your first clue Twi?" Rainbow replied snarky.

Just then, a great electrical surge exploded throughout the area. Before their very eyes, a very familiar electric ghost made its presence known and the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost appeared.

"Not so fast!" It shouted loudly.

With a surge of its electrical powers, the ghost rained down its power from the sky itself. Everyone and every pony managed to jump out of the way, avoiding being struck by such a surge of electricity. Daphne glared, while the others were scared knowing they stood no chance against the 10,000 Volt Ghost.

"You guys go!" Daphne told them. "I'll take care of Sparky!"

"Daphne, it's not worth it!" Rarity cried out. "10,000 volts can kill you!"

"We'll find another way in," Applejack assured.

"Don't worry about me," Daphne responded. "Just get that control panel to the hive."

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