"How can that be nothing?"

"Just don't mind it!" Feng xin snapped.

"How can I no-"

"Where's Zu xian?" There was a deafening silence for a while before Mu qing responded.


"Where's zu xian? He's supposed to be taking care of you why are you walking around? Are you dumb in the head? You should be resting. "

"Why Zu xian?"

Feng xin turned his head away."I don't know maybe becau-"

"No. What's he got to do with this? We're talking about you and your fricking injured hand. Let's get you treated." Mu qing said and held his hand and started walking.


"Shut up! Whatever it is that you're implying, save that for later. You're more important. Your injury comes first."

'You're more important.' This line echoed in feng xins mind. Mu qings statement was on repeat in his head that he didn't even notice they already arrived at the clinic.

He just woke up from his daydream when Mu qing sat him down the bed he used earlier.

"Stay here." Mu qing spat and went to the nurses counter.

Feng xin just observed him, still sitting down until he's back.

Mu qing placed the stuff on the side table and sat on the chair infront of Feng xin.


"What am I a dog?"

"Tsk. Just give me your hand dumbass."

Feng xin stretched out his hand and Mu qing inspected it.

"How did you know anyway?" Feng xin asked.

"Know about what?"

"My hand?"

"Oh. You're girlfriend dropped off some antiseptic and bandages for you." Mu qing answered.

"Oh, Jian lan did?" Feng xin unconsciously muttered.

"..Hah." Mu qing scoffed.


"Yeah right. Whatever." Mu qing mumbled and started applying medicine on feng xins hand harshly.

"Ow! Gentler! Jeez."

Mu qing however didn't listen and continued applying more pressure to his wounds.

"Ah Mu qing!" Feng xin catched his hand and looked at his injured hand with a small pout. "I said be more gentle! It fucking stings."

"Yeah well, this is how I do it. If you dont like it then let me call your girlfriend over then she could be the one to treat you. Gently." Mu qing said and threw the cotton balls on feng xins face and stood up.

"Wha-? Wait!" When Mu qing turned around, feng xin grabbed his wrist before he could start walking.


"I... Well.. Well since you already started treating it, might as well get it done completely." Feng xin said and pulled mu qing down next to him and placed his hand on top of mu qings lap.

"Hmph. Whatever. I understand that you don't want to bother your girlfriend." Mu qing mumbled and took Feng xin's hand and resumed treating it.

"Like I said, she's not my fucking girlfriend Mu qing." Feng xin sighed.

"Yeah. Whatever you say."

Mu qings slightly pouty face didn't escape Feng xin's eyes. He couldn't help but smile. "You know, if you keep this up, I'll start thinking that you're jealous."


"Hey did you hear me? Oi!"

"I heard."

"Then why aren't you saying anything?"

Mu qing looked up from his hand and looked at Feng xin with an annoyed face.

"What am I supposed to say? Im not?"


Feng xin blinked. "What? So you are?!"

Mu qing also blinked as if processing what he had just said, his face slightly reddening and he abruptly stood up. "IM- IM NOT!"

Feng xin was still looking at him with wide eyes but a certain thought and realization seemed to pass his mind. He looked down and smiled faintly looking at his treated hand.

"Right. Ofcourse you're not."

Do You Hate? •fengqing• Heaven Officials Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu/TGCFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें