♥︎ Learing love part.1 ♥︎

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(All art Is mine you are more than happy to use it I don't mind :) just know I'm a little too lazy to colour it in :3)

You've always been an odd child in your family. You've gotten along with everyone fine but.. when you were angry or upset.. shadows would appear and it would get dark all around you. But when you were happy or excited the sun would seem to glow there would be light. Once your family knew that you weren't normal and you didn't quite understand how to use these gifts properly they went out looking for help. Someone, something or anything to help you because they don't want something bad happening until one day they found out about the Madrigals a family who all have magical powers that live in Colombia

You were on your way there now with your mum she and your family agreed it would be best if you asked them for help with your gift they don't have powers themselves so this will be the best. You weren't sure about this at all you were only 14 years old being sent to this family that you had no idea who they were what they were like.. the only thought you had calming you down was that you're not moving in with them thankfully. Just you and your mum, you two were moving in down the street.

Before you knew it you were there and the town you were in looked beautiful with lights flowers and colourful clothes you grabbed your bag and opened the door and walked into your new home

It wasn't anything fancy but it looked nice you walked upstairs and went into the first bedroom and put your bag in the corner and sit down on the plain bed looking around. You sigh and lay down looking at the same plain ceiling. It was odd you didn't want to be here but you knew why you were here

Soon you fell

Info a soft sleep

"I'm sorry to come here all of a sudden but I heard you just moved here with your daughter! I wanted to welcome you two too out town!"
"Oh thank you you must be-"

Your eyes flutter open as you heard muffled talking you rub your eyes and crawl out of bed and over to your bag getting some comfy clothes quickly brushing your hair and then walking downstairs as you see your mum at the door walking with a young girl about the same age or so to you as she smiles as she sees you "ah! You must be her daughter! Y/n is it?" You nod at the girl's question and looked owe at your mum "Maribel?" Your mum started as she nods "I was going to ask you something.. you're from the Madrigal family right?" She once again nods. But look a little sad this time "my daughter.. she.. has a gift" at this point your mum got you and have you in front of her with her hand on your shoulders "we don't know how to help her.. and once we heard about your family we thought you could help..?" Maribel's eyes went wide "erm.. yeah I'm sure my Abuela would love to have her!" Your mum gives a happy sigh and Maribel smiles happily "she can come over now if she would like! Meet my family and see if she would like us to help" you look over at your mum with pleading eyes think this was wayyy too soon but she looked at you with courage what made you feel a little bad if you said no so you nodded as your mum have a little yay she practically pushed you out the house towards Maribel and you two began your walk to her house

When you go there it was beautiful with flowers and odd plants and a beautiful shin from the sun you follow Maribel into the house as she shouts "we have company!!" You covered your ears as she did and saw an old lady you thought was her Grandma "Maribel welcome back. Who's this?" She asks with a calm voice" as Mar smiles (sorry I'm going to say mar instead of Maribel it's just quicker 😅) "she's the new neighbour! She has a gift like everyone else and her mum was wondering if we can help her out!" Her eyes widen as she nods as she thinks "alright" she then turns to you "dear would you like to have dinner with us and the family. We can introduce you to everyone if you want to help with your gift?" She asks as she takes your hands gently looking at your hands you nod as she smiles "great. Maribel go get the family for dinner and make a seat for.. our guest"

Mar's grandma got you to sit down at a big dinner table as you do mar start to lay the table you felt a little bad not doing anything so you help her and before you knew it everything was ready and you say back down as everyone was gathering Alma stood up getting everyone's attention "everyone as you must have noticed we have a guest. Her name is.." she then stopped talking as nodded her head slightly to you to signal for you to speak and you do "my name.. is y/n" she nods "y/n. She will bring coming here starting from tomorrow because she has a gift. Y/n care to explain what your gift is?" She asks sitting back down as you nod fiddling with your fingers "sure.. my gift is conforming to light and darkness... I guess like moving shadows and making stuff brighter in a way? I've also been talk when I was younger that I've shaped fire and water before? But I don't know if I was just controlling the light in a way to make it look like that..?" You say feeling silly and awkward "that sounds awesome!" You hear a little boy say Alma sighs " Antonio sit and calm down" Alma is cut off by a boy say at the other side of Antonio but is Antonio?? "Yeah Antonio calm down!" A ginger woman then speaks up "Camilo doesn't mimic your brother" as she says that a cloud starts to form over her head as the other Antonio turns into a boy and a man awkwardly watched from the other side of the table (Bruno) and one of the girls gasp and look over to the ginger woman "mum Camilo just called you a-" "I didn't say anything!!" The cloud started to darken as someone wafts it away "ah pepa calm down! There just being children" he says calming her down "Dolores don't snitch on your brother" he continues as she shrugs "not my fault he's sat next to me and mumbled that!" You were kinda just staying there with this guy talking to each other along with Maribel at times at the strong one.. the girl in the purple dress, Alma the awkward guy and the woman in the blue dress (Julieta) and yourself were all just giving each other glanced Alma stands up and clears her throat soon enough everyone shut up "y/n.. this is Antonio. The youngest is 5 and he can speak to animals who are brothers to Dolores and Camilo son of Pepa and Felix. You then have Maribel she is 15 and has no gift but is just as special as a sister to Luisa and Isabella. Then you have Camilo he is 15 and can shapeshift. You then have Luisa she is incredibly strong and is 19. You then have Dolores she is 21 and can hear from far away. You then have Isabela she can create flowers and plants and then Pepa, Juliet and Bruno Pepa controls the weather Julieta can heal with her food and Bruno and see the future. And then Felix and Agustín husband to Pepa and Julieta" you nod as you try to get all the info into your head

You and everyone start to eat you eat quickly and finish you say thank you and go to wash your plate but then mar stopped you and grabs the plate "don't worry about it y/n! Casita will take care of it!" "Casita?" She nods and then puts the plates into the sink then one of the tiles from the wall moves in a waving sink making it look like it's waving at you. It makes you jump and then the tiles on the floor start to move to make your trip over but before you hit the floor someone grabs you, you then get on your feet and see Camilo "be careful casita can get a bit excited sometimes but don't worry about it querida" he then puts his plate in the sink and walks away, you looked at Maribel who was smiling to herself you two were talking over the powers and everyone and thing she also told you what time to come back tomorrow you say bye and walk back home you then open the door and see your mum on the sofa "welcome back" she says "how was it?" She acts turning to you you close the door and sit down next to her "was surprising. They all have powers of them all.. and there lots of people there.. about 10 people? Six kids and three adults and their grandma Alma." "Six? Six kids???" She questions you nod "yeah Bruno doesn't have any kids. But pepa has three and so does Julieta I believe that's their name..? Oh and also their house is alive and they call it Casita.! It almost made me fall over but I'll probably get used to it soon. I'll be going back tomorrow." She nods "all alright sweetie go get some rest now," she says as she kisses you on the forehead and you go to your room get changed and go to sleep

Months go by as you increase your light and dark powers understanding it more getting to know the family more you've become best friends with Maribel and Camilo tho you hang out with mar more

(just did a little gramma and selling edit soz)

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