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I know, I know... you've been waiting far too long for this book to exist but sorry for the dissapointment, I won't be starting this book until I'm done editing the first one, and finishing the others. I'll also start a Harry Potter book of which I am currently interested in finishing. There is also another book I promised to exist of which I'll be starting it soon. So I'm sorry for ruining your excitement for this book to happen but this book will be invisible to me unless I finish what I want to finish.

I also have no idea on what to write on this book. I ain't good at writing tournaments and I ended the first one with a troubling scene of which I didn't bother to realize the consequence until now. So here I am... Author-san... going to study about Volleyball of which will never ever be used in my life.

Well then... i apologize once again and I'll see you "Share Me I Don't Mind" readers in about a year or two, who knows.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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