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March 11, 2020

I knew that in Wisconsin, I didn't need to take any undergraduate classes to become a lawyer, I just needed my bachelors degree, which I did have. Sure it was in performing arts, but I minored in business. But now I needed to go to law school. That meant I'd be in school for three years. I was incredibly nervous, but I was also so excited.

I started prepping for the LSAT the day after telling James about my idea. James was in his home office, working and Madison was doing her homeschooling. Lily was sleeping in her room with the baby monitor on my desk as I studied. I studied for a solid hour and a half before she woke up. I went and picked her up from her crib.

"Hi Lily Pad. How was your nap?"

"Bueno Mommy. It was good."

"That's great mija. Do you want to sit with Mommy while they do their work?" I asked. I speaking about myself to Lily in the third person a lot, trying to implement the fact that I used they them pronouns. I wanted her to grow up knowing that it was okay to be who you are, unapologetically.

"Si Mommy." She responded, cuddling into me as I held her.

"Alright." I carried her into mine and James' bedroom so I could get back to the practice tests. I was due to take the test in a month. As well as this, even once Covid regulations lifted, I planned on doing online classes. After all, my career change was so I could spend more time with my daughter.

I started doing the practice tests and continued to work until 12:30. I stood up and carried Lily to the kitchen. "What should I make us for lunch, Lily Pad?" I asked, peppering her face with kisses.

"Um...nuggies!" She said, a smile on her face.

"Okay. Regular nuggies or the dino nuggies?"

"Dino nuggies!" She giggled and I smiled.

"Okay baby. Dino nuggies, coming right up." I got the chicken nuggets into the oven, then made myself a cup of coffee to get me through the next few hours of studying.


When 5:00 came around, I'd been studying for just about eight hours. I smiled softly as I shut down my laptop. I kissed my daughter's head again. "Do you want to go lay down for your nap mija?"

"Si Mommy." She said quietly.

I carried her to her bedroom and laid her in her crib. "Sweet dreams, Lily Pad. I love you." I kissed her forehead. "Sleep well baby."

"Night night Mommy." Lily said and closed her eyes.

I slowly retreated from her bedroom, walking out the door backwards. As soon as I shut the door, I felt two strong arms around my middle which caused me to jump. I looked down and realized it was my husband's arms. "James!" I giggled. "You scared me." I turned my head slightly and he leaned down to kiss me.

"Did she go down well?"

"Yeah, she did." I smiled and kissed him again. "That's our baby girl in there." I whispered happily.

"Yeah, that's our baby girl in there." He responded, giving me one more kiss. "I love you, K." He said and spun me around gently.

"I love you too, James."

"Do you wanna get delivery for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, that sounds good, baby." I said as he took my hand and bled me downstairs.

"Wine?" He asked as we reached the kitchen.

"Please. That peach one, if we still have any of it left."

Mx. Olivo: Karen OlivoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant