5: Gunfire Sound

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The Dalek did a scan and I stood my ground, staring right into its stupid little blue eye.

I was not going to let them win. I was not letting the Daleks win again, not after all those innocent people they killed. They wouldn't win.

It was me or the Doctor. And I didn't care if it meant not seeing him again. I wouldn't care when I was dead. I would do it for the Doctor. I was saving him to save the world.

'You are identified as Rose Tyler, human, companion of the Doctor. No longer important. You will be exterminated!'

'Go on then!' I scream. 'Go on, show me what you're made of! You're going to kill me before you kill the Doctor. I'd sacrifice myself a million times to save him, because if you need anyone alive, you need him. And I'm not going to let him go.'

I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

I wait for the gunfire sound, I wait and I wait. But it doesn't come.

Instead I feel a hand close around mine and a whisper -



He did it again. I told him no. I told him not to. He needs to be alive. But he didn't keep himself alive. The stupid idiot saved me. He never should have done it.

He never should have died.

He's laid on the floor, and his hearts have stopped. I just know it; he can't be awake.

Tears are falling and I can't stop them, right over to his face, his cold, sad face. I can't stop. He's gone.

And it's my fault.

There must be something I can do. CPR? Does that even work on Time Lords? Can't I try get his hearts working?

It's worth a go.

So I proceed with CPR, the basic medical skills I know, and suddenly I hear a groan escape his lips.

'Come on Doctor!' I cry, my tears pouring onto his cheeks. Then I notice a little warmth. Can I add some warmth myself? He's alive, I know that much. I can do it.

I made him wake up from his silent, cold sleep. I can make him alive now.

This time I've got no doubt in my heart.

I press my lips to his.

Another Dimension (Tenrose AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin