"We'd be playing into his hands," Daphne agreed.

"Not to mention we'd be giving ourselves in to Chrysalis and Sombra," Shining shook his head. "Celestia only knows what those two will do."

"And Equestria as we know would cease to exist!" Cadance nodded.

"Please, for our city's sake..."

The sound of screaming on air caused every camera to turn toward the door only to see the Black Knight knock it down.

"Sorry... you're cancelled."

And then... the screen went dark as everything went off the air and all in the Mystery Machine looked on in shock and fear. The entire city was overrun by monsters at this very moment, and it seemed they were failing to do 'anything' to help. It was unknown right now how things could possibly get worse, but they were pretty certain they'd find it.


After driving for quite a while, deep in the woods outside Coolsville, the Mystery Machine finally pulled up along an old shack near the edge of a lake. Everyone eventually got out of the van and looked at the old place.

"So, what is this place?" Twilight asked.

"I'll tell you what it is," Rainbow replied. "A dump!"

As everyone emerged one by one, Shaggy helped Velma out of the van.

"The old high school clubhouse," Velma informed. "We should be safe here."

This caused Rainbow to freeze and stammer.

"Uh, and by dump I mean—uh—I'm so sorry."

"Real smooth hon," Applejack sighed.

"The place looks like it hasn't been used in ages," Rarity observed.

"We haven't been here in years," Daphne told her.

Fred, on the other hand, seemed a little distant and miserable compared to the others. A pout was on his face as he sat inside the van.

"Freddy, are you okay?" Daphne asked, concerned. "Do you wanna talk?"

"Talking's for wimps," Fred pouted. "It's time for action."

As Fred emerged from the van at last, the rest of the gang made their way into the old clubhouse. All... except for Scooby, Shaggy, Scrappy, and even Spike. They just stayed outside, sitting together in the back of the Mystery Machine.

"You know guys, this Evil Masked Figure is turning Coolsville into Ghoulsville," Shaggy sulked. "And the gang is totally taking a hit for it."

"Reah..." Scooby frowned.

"And what's worse is that it's all because of us," Scrappy sighed.

"So much for trying to become an actual hero," Spike frowned. "Now the only I'll be known for is helping Chrysalis and Sombra create a monster army. Hmph... story of my life."

"Like, this is the most 'our faultiest screw-up ever', Scoob," Shaggy declared.

Scooby whimpered as he laid his head on Shaggy's shoulder, while everyone else went up to the clubhouse unaware of the boys' melancholy.


The clubhouse lights switched on soon as Velma pulled the switch on an old generator. As their eyes adjusted, they looked around the old place.

"At least the lights still work," Fluttershy said.

"Sure does," Velma replied, opening a hatch. "Oh, look. All my old tools!"

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