Once I arrived at the track, I made my way to Williams hospitality unit and sat in the far corner with a cold can of lemonade, so that I would get recognised. I sat in hospitality until the formation lap and made my way to the garage, to where I was greeted by Claire. "Hiya AJ, you alright?" Claire said with a smile. "I'm good thank you, Claire. I just hope George is happy to see me and doesn't have a go me but me and my brother will probably be involved in a shouting match." I said in response. "Everything will be alright. I would be doing the exact same if I was in your shoes because I don't like being stuck at home unless I need to. Now come on grab a headset and sit at the back of Georges side of the garage" Claire said. I nodded in response, grabbed a headset and sat down. 

During the entire race, I didn't take my eyes off of the screen and through my headset I was listening to Georges radio commentary. I was cheering all my friends on mentally but I was cheering on George and Lando. As the race came to a close, Lando finished in P8 and George in P16. I couldn't be more proud of them both.

The cars were coming back down the pit lane, I took the headphones off of my ears and placed them around my neck and saw Georges car pull up outside the garage and saw the engineers and pit crew wheel it back in. I put my sunglasses on, so that George couldn't see me. George walked over to his engineer to talk about his performance and then Claire gives me the thumbs up to go up to him. I take my sunglasses off and place them on my head and I slowly walk up to George and hug him from behind. "Well I couldn't wait till Monday, so I decided to fly out and see you" I said. George then turns around to see me standing in front of him and he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. "You should be back in the UK resting. But I am so glad you are here beautiful. I've missed you. When did you arrive in Monaco?" George said. "Well... You know when you called me on Tuesday morning and you could hear planes overhead?". George nodded in response. "I was actually at Luton Airport, flying out to Nice to come to Monaco for race weekend". 

George's eyes widen at what I said but then just passionately kissed me in the middle of garage, whilst I still had my legs wrapped around his waist. When we both pull away, we both had big smiles on our faces and then George speaks up and says "Does Lando know your here?". "He doesn't know I'm here. Can you come to McLaren with me so I can see him?" I asked George. "Of course I'll come with you" was Georges response and then we left the Williams garage and made our way to the McLaren garage to see my twin. 

When we approached the McLaren garage, I took a deep breath and entered the garage whilst tightening my grip on my boyfriends hand. I walked around the corner on my brothers side of the garage, I let go of Georges hand and whisper to him that I'm going to jump on Lando's back to surprise him. 

I run up and jump on Lando's back "You alright Thing One. Did you miss me?" I said with a smile. I jump off of Lando's back and he turned around and he engulfed me in a massive bear hug. "When did you get here AJ?" Lando said whilst in shock. "I arrived in Monaco Tuesday evening" was my reply to my brother. My twin pulls back from the hug, leans on the desk behind him and his eyes widen but then her just has his usual happy cheesy smile on his face and tells me that he is happy to see me and glad that I came to Moncao. I go to explain to him why I wasn't answering my phone the other day and say that I was on the plane to Nice and I couldn't answer my phone. I then tell him that I was in McLaren hospitality on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I was sat in the Williams garage for the race. I'm just so glad that I wasn't in a shouting match in the middle of the paddock attracting loads of attention. Becasue if it did, it'll be all over the media, which is not good and could have an impact on mine and my twin brothers reputation. 

As me, George and Lando left the McLaren garage, there was phots of us being taken and people whispering say that I said I wasn't going to be there this weekend. Now I definitely going to see posts all over social media about this and its going to cause all sorts of problems. Fingers crossed there are no major problems. 

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