
"How about truth or dare?"

"Really Tony, every time you want to play that." Sometimes it is fun but other times it is getting really weird and I am definitely not drunk enough for this. "Let Wanda and Pietro decide, it's their party."

"Yes come on, it's gonna be fun princessa." I roll my eyes at him. He likes to call me like that to flirt but I think he knows that I am not interested in him. Don't get me wrong he is fine as hell and I like him, but I just like his sister more.


"Yeah why not, it's gonna be fun."

"Okay fine, but before we start I need something to drink."

I walk over to the bar and grab a bottle of whiskey while everyone else is taking a seat on the couches.

"Y/n come here, or do you want to miss something?!"

"One second Tony, I am not drunk enough for this yet."

I take a seat on the couch next to Natasha and we start.

"Y/n, truth or dare?" Tony starts.

"Let's start with something nice, truth."

"Have you ever fantasised sleeping with someone in this room?"

"Straight to business Tony, I like it." Steve said with an exited expression on his face.

"Yes." I answer with hesitation. Of course I have, look at all of them. But especially Natasha and Wanda.

Tony raised his eyebrow, questioning me.

"Telling you who was not part of the question." I chuckle and he groans.

"Okay y/n, your turn." Thor said.

"Natasha, truth or dare?"

"I don't wanna be lame, so dare." After a few seconds I could feel the smirk on my face when the perfect dare crossed my mind.

"I want you to make out with the first woman on your right." I lean back and enjoy her confusion. I sit left to her so I knew it wouldn't be me, which was kinda sad but I had the perfect plan.

Natasha looked to her right to see Wanda sitting there. You could see both blushing while staring at each other awkwardly.

"Wanda, is this okay for you."

"Yeah sure, I mean dare is dare." And that's exactly what I wanted to hear. I want them both but I want them to like each other too.

Natasha slowly walks over to Wanda. She sits down on her lap and after they both nod a little Natasha starts to kiss Wanda.

They made out for a few minutes like they did this before. And damn that was hot!


(After a few more rounds)


"Y/n, truth or dare?" Clint asks.

"Truth." I didn't want to be lame but I already did a lot of stupid stuff tonight.

"Name something you might like to have two of in your bed."

What am I supposed to do now, I can't just say Wanda and Natasha. I like them both and this could be my chance. But I don't think they want the same as I do. But the alcohol in me does not care about that.


Wanda's POV:

Wait did I hear this right? I assumed she likes Natasha because I saw them holding hands earlier and they are wearing matching outfits.

But me?

I mean I really like y/n. I like her since the day we've met. She showed me everything, trained with me and was just so nice to me. But I could have never dared to tell her. Or even assume she likes me too.

But if this is what she wants she can have it. I have nothing against some fun.

Natasha's POV:

I knew she likes me but I didn't thought she would have the courage to say this. And Wanda?! I have nothing against Wanda and we already made out tonight so I don't mind. And if she is part of getting y/n, I take this offer with pleasure.

So I said the thing no one expected, not y/n, not Wanda and not the others.

"We can make this dream come true", I continue "if Wanda is down for this count me in too." I say in a flirty way while taking an other sip of my beer.

A/n: I hope you liked this part too and I would appreciate feedback again.

And look at you (the ones from Tik Tok who know what is gonna happen) waiting here for smut.

Btw thank you for all the support here and on Tik Tok! <3

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