"Well of course" you remembered those sex-crazed, coke addicted imbeciles" you grumble, the mere memory of them made your brain hurt.

"Yes well they had a mass involvement in this project and wanted t somehow fix te worked in satans image, and let only the worthy live, and appointed me to run one of the outposts," she said beaming.

The tingles that sent to you from this, the idea that she let you live, she chose you to work for her. But who were the worthy?

"WHy were chosen?" you ask, you had not seen anyone else other than staff in black and Ms Venabel that had been it.

"They will be arriving shortly" she replied like it was the most normal thing in the destroyed world.

"Will i ever be able to go outside again" you mumbled, not quite understanding what she meant.

"Not unless you want radioactive poisoning" her face returned to the normal emotionless expressions, how you missed her smile and her hands around your jaw.

"Your in charge" you whisper, looking to her, trying not to make it obvious that you were thrilled at this aspect.

"I am indeed, in control of everything and everyone" she tapped the floor with her cane twice loudly leaving the floor vibrating underneath you causing things to sture in your stomach.

"You may leave now" she uttered, waving her fingerless gloved hand at you on the floor, enjoying your disappointment, knowing you wanted more of her attention.

"Thank you Ms Venbable" you get up from your place on the floor, using the desk to get up, still a little shaky from the whole bombing. 

"Oh Y/N" she called before you left the room, you felt your heart flutter at the sound of your name in her mouth, your turn round looking to her hopeful for her to command you to do something.

"Meet me in my office at six sharp I must establish the new rules under my domain with you and also explain the new protocol with the other people seeking refuge that will be living here".

You leave after that, the information just sinking in. Your life. Your home. Your family. Gone in the matter of hours.

Feeling yourself wanting to break down and cry in a depressing heap on the ground. To curl up into a ball and hope that death soon followed.

You knew however that dwelling in such thoughts would only make things worse, you were one of the lucky ones to make it out alive and picked to live under Ms Venable's stricked domaine

Wondering about the people that would show up at the outpost. What they would be like and whether they would enjoy the new life ahead of them.

Understanding that not all people would want to be dominated and controlled by Ms Venable or anyone for that matter.

The rules were another thing in itself, knowing back at the office Ms Venable liked everything just so. No one out of her line, everything within her liking or it would have consequence.

Even her bosses feared her, something about the control she had just excited you, which was one of the reasons why you had allowed her to lead you on this tangent into this unknown place serving her hand and foot knowing that everyone that you never known was dead or dying from nuclear poison.

You realised you'd have to get used to calling Outpost 3 your home.

The clock was ticking so slowly, just passing the time cleaning what you saw, swaying around the hallways like a lost child.

The time slipped like a sand timer, wanting it to be six o'clock so badly but also you were dreading it as well, the uncertainty of the meeting was writing around in your mind never resting for a second.

I Know You Need Me! (Ms Venable x Fem Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя