He nodded. She turned to the bartender and asked for another. He poured the whiskey into the glass and pushed it to Jimmy, then another for her. He and the woman locked eyes as they downed the drinks. She grimaced at the taste of the drink. 

Jimmy laughed at her expression and shrugged, "Tastes fine to me." She laughed at him and scooted her chair closer to him. "I know you. You look familiar." She raised a brow. Oh god, here we go. "You probably do. Jimmy Page." He stuck his hand out. She furrowed her brows and stuck her hand out. "Very formal, Jimmy." They shared a laugh. "I'm Michelle. I figured you were him. You two look so similar." He was taken back by her down-to-earth demeanor. "On the off chance you were, I wanted to know if you were busy tonight."

"What do you have in mind?" 

Michelle and Jimmy entered a house. The lights were dimmed and the smell of pot wafted through the air. The pair were greeted by a small group of people. They were sitting in a circle, smoking a joint. "Grab a pillow, come sit!" The owner of the house stood to greet the two. "It's nice to have you join us." The owner, a red-headed woman, said. Jimmy was nervous. He didn't know these people. But they didn't seem too interested in his fame, which comforted him. 

"So um, what is this about? Michelle wouldn't tell me too much." His voice was small. "Winter solstice celebration. We're going to do some magic!" The guy next to the redhead said. "Yes, it's technically magic. But we're not crazy! The Winter solstice is-" 

"I know what the Winter solstice is. I dabble in a little magic." Jimmy smiled. He felt quite cool. A smiled brushed the redheads face, "Perfect. So you'll know just what to do."

Jimmy was enjoying himself quite a lot. They ate a Yule log edible cake and smudged themselves with a bundle of cinnamon and pine. After the second smoke circle, it was time for readings. The redhead woman, who was named Cynthia, pulled out a deck of tarot cards. They were decorated with Egyptian sphynx's and Pharaoh's. "I think Jimmy should go first." A smile was wide on her face. He nodded, smiling equally as big. It had been awhile since he'd had one. She laid the cards out, letting him pick his card. "The Lovers and The Hermit." A looked to the redhead. Although he had been practicing magic since he was 15, he wasn't very keen on tarot meanings.

"The lovers is a signal of love to come. Whether this is self love, platonic, or romantic, keep your eyes open. While this does mean that love is on the horizon, you have to choose it. You have to nurture it. Keep your walls down and let this person in, people can only love as much as you let them. The hermit, on the other hand, is a card of major change. This card often signals a personal journey. The Hermit provides guidance. The lantern is lighting the way on this trip. Keep your ears open and listen to the universe. With these cards together, it usually means you are going to learn a lot in and from love. Whomever this person is, they're going to be a major teacher to you. Listen to them." Cynthia spoke to Jimmy, making full eye contact. He felt flushed. He could feel her words. He nodded, looking pensively at the cards. His thumb nail caressed his bottom lip as he thought. 

Could this be Gwen?

As the rest of the group received their readings, Jimmy was stuck in his thoughts. It felt like every thought he'd ever had collided, buzzing around in his head. After the readings were over, Michelle turned to him. "Are you alright?" She asked. He nodded, looking into her eyes. "I'm just thinking about what she said. It's really stuck in my head." He said. "Yeah, she does that. I really like getting readings from her. She's good." Michelle laughed.

The group dwindled as people left, leaving only 5 people. It was Michelle, Jimmy, and the owners of the house: Cynthia and Nick. Michelle was laid back on the couch, reading a magazine, when Jimmy noticed the time. 

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