Draupadi : Angraj.

Karna then up-close saw his beautiful wife and immediately knew what he was denying was actually true he has fallen for her. He saw her beautiful face, deep eyes that were swollen because of tears and her Rosey lips, her slick neck, she was divine beauty and no body  could deny that. Like her Draupadi was also looking at him closely for first time, he was truly the most handsome man she ever saw and his mark on his forehead seems divine, seeing it for a few seconds she forgot about everything and became enchanted to it. Then she saw he was wearing white Dhoti and sawl was wrapped around him but it still couldn't hide his muscular arms. Realisation drawn upon her as to why he was there and her body started trembling again.

Karna ofcourse saw the trembling but even before that her one word  made it clear what was their status. She didn't consider him her husband as she called him Angraj not Aarya. Hearing that was truly painful but what hurt the most was recognition of fear in her eyes, she was scared by him.

Karna (calmly) : Why are you trembling Draupadi?

Hearing him Draupadi's trembling didn't stop instead she began to cover herself
Seeing that Karna was really Angry, he lost his reasoning, it was naked insult to him and his morals.

Karna (angry) : What are you doing Draupadi?

Draupadi who was not in right frame of mind spoke angrily.

Draupadi : I know you came here to claim your conjugal rights Angraj but be warned I am Yagseni and agnisuta you can't force me Angraj.

This hurted Karna the most till now, does she really think so low of him.

Karna : Draupadi, do you truly think I am so low to force a woman against her will to my bed. Fine Yagseni, angisuta this sutputra promise you that I will never claim any right over you. I release you from all the obligation that you have towards me. You are anyway caged Bird here, In three months I will escort you back to Panchal and till then I will never ever enter your chamber.

Saying that Karna was going to leave the chamber but voice of Draupadi stopped him. She couldn't believe he said that she thought he was like other who will claim his rights regardless so being scared she said whatever came to her mind but she never expected this response

Draupadi : Angraj, wait.

Karna : What else you want Draupadi, Is three months too long for you than I will escort you tomorrow.

Draupadi : Why are you doing this Angraj. Is this revenge you planned for me, I can't go to Panchal or any where. I married to you to....

Karna : To protect your father's reputation I know Yagseni.

Draupadi was shocked hearing this.

Draupadi : How?

Karna : No need to be shocked agnisuta, what else could be reason to give chance to a lowly Sutputra when your beloved prince Arjun couldn't complete the task. You yourself has made very clear in swamvar that you don't want to marry a sutputra then what else could he reason to marry me except saving your father's reputation. As for revenge, then princess I never planned anything for it, it was your swamvar you had right to choose or reject and for your or anyone else's words to couldn't care less unlike you arrogant Kshatriye I don't consider being a Sutputra a sin or reason to be ashamed of infact I am proud of it. Atleast they taught me humanity unlike you all. You can't go back to Panchal fine princess I will do another favor for you, Rest assured Yagseni you will have complete freedom here in Anga you can do as you wish Princess. If you want to be queen be it if you don't it's fine too. You are free to leave whenever and wherever you want.

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