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''She thinks you don't love her!''

''I do,alot!''

''Are you gonna ask her out again!''


''I have to tell you guys something!''

''What zayn!''

''Harry don't get upset!''


''Ok,I kinda have a crush on Lucy!''

I banged open the door.

''So boys,got nothing better to do than listen to a girly conversation!''I glared at them.

''You idiots,You heard everything I said!''They hung their heads in shame.Harry reached for my hand.

''Go away Harry.I can't beleive you did too.I'm going to have a bath!''

''I'm sorry baby.Please I won't do it again!''I smirked and he hugged me.

''Ok we are just gonna leave to give you guys some time!''Louis winked at me.As they left Harry kissed me.

''Jump!''He murmered while kissing me.I put my legs around his waiste as we came into harry's room he banged me to the wall.

''Holy shit!''I saw Niall standing their with the boys.

''Holy shit!''I shouted and fell on the ground.

''Holy shit!''Harry saw me fall to the floor and lifted me up.Thye all smirked.

''I didn't now you two were gonna take it this far!''

''Shut up LIAM!''He ran out.

''Everyone we should have a early night we are going on tour tomorow we are flying to Enland!''WTF

''FLYING!Sorry there is no way I am going in a aeroplane!''



''Harry save me!''Thye tried pulling me into the plane.

''Sorry love!''He helped them lift me up!They sat me on the seat.I broke into tears.

''Lucy are you Ok!''I shook my head as the plane lifted off.We were in the air and I shivered.

Harry pov

Wow I had never seen her this scared.I lifted her up and placed her in my lap.

''SSHH it's gonna be Fine!''She smiled.

She stood up and walked up to Louis.SHe whispered something in his ear and He smirked at me.

''Harry come here!''I walked up to him and suddenly Lucy took my phone and ran off.

Lucy pov

I ran of with Harry's phone.

''LUCY COME HERE NOW!''I ran across the plane and looked for somewhere to hide.I saw Niall sitting down.

''Naill,I'm gonna hide under you chair!''He nodded.I crouched under his chair and started taking selfies.Luckily Harry didn't now I knew his password.

''Niall.Where is Lucy!''I held my breath.

''Dunno!''I breathed out but suddenly Harry's phone rang.I tried turning down the volume,but Harry grabbed my leg and pulled me out from my hiding place.He lifted me up and started to tickle me.

Kidnapped by one direction{In Editing}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang