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"I'm sorry Y/n...we did everything we could, but you'll never be able to skate again..."  The doctor told you, his words seeping into you like a poison. 

How did everything go so wrong...?

After winning second place overall in the Junior Grand Prix, you were determined to take home gold the next season. You trained hard, and pushed yourself everyday, perfecting your craft. Up until the Grand Prix you had an incredible winning streak, and you wanted to get that back. Anytime you weren't sleeping, you trained. You spent every waking moment training, you even ate while you skated. You thought because you were training so hard, it would make you a stronger competitor, but instead it made you the opposite. You grew tired and fatigued the longer your extreme routines went on. Up until the final competition you were able to keep your composure.  All was going well up until your last competition. Getting to the final round was a breeze, but you could feel yourself burning out. Up until this point you were out of breath and you were tired. You had barely slept or eaten in a number of hours. You weren't even sure how you were still standing, but being this far in the competition, you knew you had to push yourself to the very end.

This was the qualifying round for championships for the junior division, if you won the championships you could go into the senior division by 15. Then you'd be able to skate with your idol... This is what kept you going. You dreamed to one day be on the same level as your idol, that you were willing to push yourself until the very end. This was your life's work, what you had been preparing for this since birth. This was it, your chance to shine. You, all your friends, and all your rivals were in one place now. As soon as you'd hit the ice, all eyes would be on you, if they weren't already. With your popular status in the ice skating world, you were already the crowd's favorite. This year, everyone expected you to win...

"Good luck Y/n, break a leg!" One of your friends encouraged you as they came off the ice. 

You nodded your head,

"Thank you..." You whispered, as not to be disruptive to the next person up. 

You began getting ready, as you were up next. You unzipped your jacket to reveal your beautiful costume. It was your best outfit yet, all the cameras panned to you, when they saw how sparkly your costume was. This boosted your  confidence, and gave you the adrenaline rush you thought you needed

"Y/n! Your costume turned out even more beautiful than we could have imagined!!" Your coach exclaimed, this was their first time seeing your outfit as well, "This is is your best one yet!" She added.

"Thank you, my mother made this for me!!" You exclaimed.

You looked at the dancer skating their heart out on stage before you looked back at your own coach, 

"I can feel it in my bones, this year is gonna be my year!" You confidently told her. 

Your coach smiled and placed their hands on your shoulders, right as the announcer called your name.

"I agree. Your mother and I believe in you, go make us proud!" Your coach told you. 

You nodded and headed onto the ice. The entire crowd practically erupted into cheers and hollers as you came on.  Unsurprisingly, the crowd already loved you, now all you had to do was get the judges to do the same. Once it got quiet, your music started up and you began skating.

All was well until you were halfway through your performance. Your adrenaline had worn off, and you left fatigued with over a minute left of choreography to get through. You reminded yourself the stakes that you had wagered for yourself if you won to keep yourself focused. You pushed through every negative thing you felt until the very end. Now, all you had to do was the finale. A quadruple axle, something you practiced on the daily until you could finally land it. Right at the climax of your song you leaped into the air with the grace of an angel, but you didn't stick the landing. 

Instead, your ankle gave out and you ended up falling. A snap could be heard throughout the entire stadium. The crowd gasped as they watched you roll on the ice, scraping your face and arms on it as well. At first you didn't feel any pain, but when you sat up and looked at your twisted ankle you screamed in agony. Pain not only shot up your leg, but throughout your whole body. You started crying hysterically, clutching your ankle. Your coach, along with the paramedics ran on the ice to help you. 

They tried to calm you down, but nothing got through to you. 

"It-it hurts! I wanna skate! I wanna skate!" You sobbed. 

"Y/n, it's okay..." Your coach stroked your head.

"No it's not! I- I can't feel my ankle anymore!!" You shouted.

Your coach hugged you tightly right before you were put on the stretcher and wheeled out of the stadium. The worst part of it all was that your moment of weakness was caught on live television for all to see. You felt humiliated and defeated, but you just couldn't stop yourself from crying. Everything you worked for went down the drain in an instant.

You had broken your ankle, but you didn't let this deter you. Even when you were confined to an ankle cast and crutches, you didn't give up. You continued to work out, eat healthy and all around stay in shape, while on your downtime, late at night, you researched. You sat up late at night, looking through your championship qualification roster, you looked through news articles to see what people were saying about you. Most people said you broke your ankle in an accident, due to you being a nervous clutz. You didn't let this get to you, and so you rolled your eyes at the articles  and turned off your laptop to go to sleep and clear your head.

As soon as you were cleared to skate again, you were back on the ice. You began training once again, but you were still in extreme pain anytime you skated. Once you let it slip to your coach, they forced you to get your ankle checked out. Once you got there you had a routine check up for your ankle, and then an Xray, even the doctor seemed pretty confident that everything was okay. The doctor said you were good to go and could start training to compete again. When you asked about the pain, the doctor told you that it was normal and would go away soon. You believed the doctor, so you began to skate again.

A week later the pain got worse, your ankle was the size of a grapefruit and you couldn't stand on it. Your mother called the doctor again. They did some more tests, but still,  nothing came up. It wasn't until months later that you were called back into the doctor's office because they had finally found something. The doctor explained that you had almost microscopic pieces of bone fragments in your ankle that could lead to serious problems in the future.  They told you that you would need surgery. You weren't sure if you wanted to go through with this though, but the doctor said there was a 97% chance you would be able to skate again. You decided to go through with the surgery and it was a success. 

Well, not entirely...somehow you ended up drawing the short end of the stick, and when you woke up, the doctors told you that you would never be able to skate again, thus bringing us back to the present. 

After hearing the news you didn't believe a word they said. As soon as you could walk and jump you put yourself back on the ice with your coach. You couldn't preform as well as you did before and you were in so much pain trying to preform the simplest of turns and jumps. Day by day your coach saw you weren't getting any better. Eventually your coach made the painful decision to let you go. After another failed practice, Your coach apologized and hoped you'd get better before breaking the news to you. 

When Your coach left, you skated around in circles trying to do simple jumps, trying to prove your coach they made a mistake, but you couldn't land a single one. You tried to land your quadruple quartz, but you couldn't. Your foot gave out as soon as it made contact with the ice. You fell onto the ground and started crying. Finally it hit you, your life's work was over. Once you got home,in a fit of rage, you tore down every poster, every picture, every medal and any other reminisce of skating. At age 13 you vowed to never skate again. And just like that, your skating career ended. 


Lmao, this was longwinded asf. Hopefully I'll be able to cut this down before I post this. Yep...I did...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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