Keith's backstory 1/7 !REMAKE!

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It has been a 7 years after the accident happened (if you don't know what I'm talking about go on picos story 3/7 and 4/7)

And me and pico have been dating for 2 years and we never left each other's side pico was the clingy and overprotective one ofc

And I walking down the street where my house is I was one block way from it

It was a relaxing walk until I got a text from pico

Upside down carrots for breakfast🥕:

Bf I need to talk about something......

Sonic from Walmart✨:
What is it?

Upside down carrots for breakfast🥕:
I'll tell you when you get to my house..

Sonic from Walmart✨:

"Well.....that was odd" I say silently to myself
I turned around to go to pico's street and started hearing to his house

I made it to his door step and rung the doorbell

To see a sad looking pico

"Dang well someones having a rough day..."

Pico stared at me when I said that

"Oop sorry....there was something you wanted to tell me so what is it?"

"Well it's that....I uh"

"You what?"

"Let me finish my sentence,Im.....breaking up with you..."


"I'm sorry..."

"Why?why did you do this to me?"


"All this time I thought you loved me I thought i was good enough but it seems it's the opposite of what I thought..."

"Bf it's for your safety..."

"Well what are you keeping safe cause it ain't my heart."

" don't be like that...."

"Be like what.. not good enough for you?"


"If you was tired of me you could've just told me that before I wasted all my time with you."


"What I'm too ugly or something or am I too good for you?"



"It's not that it's none of those thing-"

But before pico could even finish his sentence
He heard a knock at the door


Pico opened the door to see his best friend Nene holding a cupcake in her hand

"Nene what are you doing here?"

"Oh I just came to give a cupcake but it seems like now is a bad time..."

"No no it not a bad time I need a cupcake to deal with my anger because I was arguing with this small blueberry..."

"You know what I'm leaving I'm tired of you and all your b-ll$h!t!"

And bf left and the slammed the door and the sound that the door made was so loud it almost made Nene and pico deaf

"...pico what happened?"

"I broke up with him and didn't tell him why and now he's assuming that he wasn't good enough and of that stuff"

"Why did you break up with him"

"Well it was because-"

Meanwhile with Keith(I did that just to make people mad)

Bf went his house locked his door and flopped on his bed

He had a really bad day

Mainly because of the breakup...,but I wasn't going to cry over it
But I was mad because i wasted all that time with him for 2 years just for nothing but heart break

But that was fine because the breakup was a really good (in a way) this gave me a opportunity to so many things like going to party's , meet other people, and maybe kiss them I mean I was single now so is it really cheating?

I wasn't going to sit around all day my life's needs to change and that was going to happen today!

I put on my hat and my shoes and went out the door to my new life.


"what are you jealous?"   (pico x Keith(bf)Where stories live. Discover now