Chapter 2

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Julia is now in the sixth grade. She never sees her father anymore, she is glad that she doesn't because the beatings got worse and worse closer and closer to the court date and by the court date she was covered in bruises and the judge sided with the mom. The bullies let up a little bit because she started wearing dresses to school in the forth grade, she was finally fitting into the social norm and she hated it. 

"Finally you are wearing normal clothes." Shirley said. 

"I thought it was about time too." 

"Yeah it was." Shirley smiled "So, I hear the boys don't like you anymore." 

"Yeah, when I started to wear dresses they didn't want to tackle me or let me play with them anymore." Julia shrugged. 

"Good, now you can play with us." Shirley smiled and they started to swing. 

In grade 6 Julia stops talking about being a boy, she says girl instead. 'I am a girl.' she says 'I am a girl.' 'girl.' 'girl.' 'girl.' but that gets tiring. So she sometimes, to herself, says boy 'I am a boy!' 'I am a boy!' 'I am a boy!' . 

"You were so much cooler when you were a boy." One of the boys in her class said.

"I was always a girl." She says, 

"When you looked like a boy then." 

"Thanks." Julia smiled. 

One time when Julia was sitting in her room watching a video and it mentioned a character being transgender. Where this boy, who was born a girl changed into a boy and that clicked in Julias head. 

'I am transgender.' She thought. Transgender, transgender, transgender. 

'That fits with who I am. I am transgender. Born a girl but is actually a boy. But I shouldn't mention it to anyone, like what this guy said. His mom and dad kicked him out. What if mom kicks me out?' She thinks. 

So she didn't mention it. Not to her friends, not to her mom, not to her teachers, not to anyone. 

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