The Farm House

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I heard a screen door open and close and I looked up to see a tall blond man standing on the wrap around porch.  "Also, you can call him Daddy too, if you want to.  You don't have to worry about that, okay?"  I grinned, hugging around my new Daddy's neck tightly as he walked up the steps.

"Hey Buck, what's going on?  You left for a therapy appointment and you didn't come back."  He nodded.

"I got into helping Sam with something-


"I know I promised but he needs me on this, someone recreated the serum, I can't walk away from this one and I couldn't let Sam go in alone.  Not with the new 'Captain America'.  He's awful Steve, really awful."  I nodded quickly along, knowing this to be true.

"It's true, he's a shmuck."  Nagel said it all the time.

"And who might this pretty little thing be?"  I blushed at hearing Steve's words and hid my face in Bucky's chest.

"This is Cleo.  She was locked up in a lab Steve, being used as a pin cushion.  She's just the sweetest thing."  They seemed to be having some kind of conversation through their eyes and I enjoyed how people could do that, love each other so much and so long that you know what someone is saying with just a look.

"Well hi Cleo.  Are you hungry?"  As if on cue my stomach picked now to make a noise that was almost akin to a dying whale.  "I'll take that as a yes.  Why don't you come on inside and I'll get you something yummy."  Bucky handed me to him and Steve looked stunned but didn't put me down.

"I'll be back soon Princess, just have to help Sam and get the ugly one back to jail."

"Don't kill Zemo, okay?  He's kinda nice...I think anyone would lose their way when they lost their child like that.  He's trying to make sure no one else does too."  He huffed a sigh but admitted defeat.

"I won't kill him.  You stay here with Stevie and I'll be back as soon as I can.  Stevie will show you around, we have plenty of clothes that you will love."  He looked up at Steve when he said that who's eyebrows went up before Bucky winked at him and Steve's face lit up.  "There's also some stuffies inside that you can have so Baloo doesn't get too lonely...I'll see you soon Princess.  I'm gonna need some cuddles when I get back, okay?"

"Okay Daddy, give you lots of snuggles."

"Is there a difference between cuddles and snuggles?"  He teased but I responded quickly.

"Yes.  Snuggles are warmer."

"Ah, okay. Well then snuggles it is. Gotta be nice and toasty wrapped up in some blankets and we'll snuggle the day away. You be a good girl for Steve, alright?"

"Yes, promise! You come back soon?" The smile on his face brought light to his eyes.

"Soon as I can." He leaned down, kissing my forehead before kissing Steve as well and running back to the car.

"Well then, let's get you something to eat Babygirl." I squealed, looking around as he took me inside to see that it was very homey. It wasn't decorated like crazy but there were some moderate touches to the house that were quite nice.

"Can put me down if you want, Bucky just likes carryin me." Steve laughed, setting me down on the kitchen counter.

"I know that. We've had a few tries at finding a little of our own and he loves holding onto them, and you seemingly quite a lot, he was very touch starved for a very long time which I think is part of the reason he's a daddy. You must be something pretty special for him to bring you here like this." I shrugged as he began cooking up some scrambled eggs and sausage in a pan.

Little Soldier (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes DDLG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora