Chapter 2

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Toshiro's POV

The hollows I had been sent to destroy just kept coming. I had already killed three waves (each wave consists of a hundred hollows) and I was exhausted. I felt a change in the attention of the hollows and turned to look just as a girl with (h/c) and a (f/type of dress) that was (f/c). She flew through the air gracefully landing beside me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing girl, escape wile you can." I shouted at her but she didn't seem to hear me. At that moment I was grabbed and she took off with a flash step out of the advance of hollows. I thrashed as she did this. "Put me down you vile human."

"Stay out of this kid. These are dangerous and you could get yourself killed with that much spirit energy leaking out. I'll take care of them and you can just run along home. I will be worried if a little kid like you gets hurt by one of these while I have the ability to kill them." She turned away from me and to the hollows.

"What's wrong with you you don't have the ability to kill a fly? How the hell can you defeat something like a hollow? You are the one going to get yourself killed. I'll defeat them and you are the one who should be running." I shouted only to see her pull out a zanpakuto that I had never seen.

Who is this girl and why does she have a zanpakuto? She's not dressed as a soul reaper but she has a zanpakuto summoned. She drew her sword from its sheath and narrowed her eyes at the hollows advancing on us. "Rise from Hell, Inhekigijo, split the heavens and purge the light of both good and evil before me. Gijo Shivinkimu! Bind them."

Her zanpakuto changed shape quickly. A powerful black aura intertwined with intense spiritual pressure surrounded her. In two swipes she felled the entire two waves that were left. She had raised her spiritual pressure to a very strong almost choking level. I was having trouble staying standing and me a captain of the Gotei 13's tenth squad.

Making her spiritual pressure disappear completely she sheathed her sword and came back to where I was standing. She ruffled my hair which pissed me off. I slapped her hand away. "Well at least you are safe, kid. Now run along home." Who does she think she is speaking to a captain like this?

I sent her my death glare and it didn't faze her when it usually sent people running for cover. I was about to speak when she stopped me. "Give me a second." I watched her zanpakuto disappear before she turned back to me. "Ok, you can speak now, kid."

"I'm not a kid! Who the hell are you?" I shouted at her. I look up at her. She's not much taller than me. "Explain yourself."

"You might as well come on home with me if you want more than just my name. The name is (y/n) Urahara. Come on I need to hurry home anyway so you better keep up." She grabbed my hand and jerked me into running alongside her. We ended up in the yard of Urahara's shop. She is related to the exiled captain. "Don't speak until asked to ok. I don't want you getting hurt after I just saved your little kid ass."

"(y/n) (m/n) Urahara! get your ass in here now!" I here as the door to the shop opens and Kisuke and a guy walk out. He seems pissed so I step away from her and watch. She looks slightly scared.

"Hi daddy, sorry i'm late had some 'H' business to attend to. By the way I thought you weren't feeling well." She just said dad?! I raised an eyebrow and nearly gasped in shock when Kisuke started crying and hugged her.

"Happy birthday baby girl." He said with a smile. (y/n) hugged him back but kept glancing my way. I pulled out my phone and dialed up Rangiku. She's really pretty. Wait what did I just think? "Rangiku, meet me at Urahara's i five minutes or you are doing twice as much paperwork when we get back!"

~~pic is Gijo your third dragon part of the zanpakuto Inhekigijo in human form~~

By Blood We Stand (Toshiro Hitsugaya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now